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Standing in between platform 9 and 10 felt surreal. I had been to this train station a lot of times and never knew this existed. I turned around and saw my dad having a proud smirk on his face. He had work so he just walked me to the magic wall.

"I'll miss you so so so much Dad." Tears we're already flooding down my face.

"Don't cry hunny, I'll miss you too so so much too but just remember to stay out of trouble, okay."

"Yes dad I know, I love you."

"I love you too." We let go of the hug and I ran through the wall, waving at him one last time before I ran.

In front of me was a scarlet red train, glistening as the sun rays bounded off it. I pushed my trolley to the train and picked up my trunk. The inside was beige but it was nice like that. My trunk was so heavy and I had to keep putting it down once in a while.

I found an empty compartment and decided to just go there. That's when I heard a voice I didn't recognise.

"Excuse me, can I sit here please."
A girl with blonde curly hair asked me, she was dressed strange but she some how suited it.

"Yes of course, I'm Ivy Sullivan. Pleasure to meet you." I shook the girls hand once she had took a seat across from me.

"Luna Lovegood, are you new, I haven't seen you around before ?"

"erm- yeah I was homeschooled most years however my dad decided to send me here." I didn't lie kind of, I couldn't just tell her I was hiding from You-Know-Who.

"Oh well look who it is, if it isn't Looney Luna." Draco bloody Malfoy, ugh. He didn't know I was there until he turned his gaze to me.

"For fuck sake, it's you as well." He said rolling his eyes.

"Yes it's me, got a problem ?" I asked staring at him, he really gets on my nerves.

"No. Just you need to learn respect."

"As I said the last time, I'll give respect when you've earned it."

"Don't speak to me like that freak...wait why is your hair changing colour ?"

That's the thing I forgot about, I was a metamorphmagus. I can change into any animal or person at any time. My hair and eye colour change colour depending on my emotions.

I grabbed a piece of hair and it was bright red, like intensely bright red.

"Well for your information, I'm a Metamorphmagus, does that explain ?" I rolled my eye, I didn't like people knowing what I was. For some reason I was insecure about it.

I knew by now my eyes would be a aqua blue. It happens when I'm angry or pissed off and right now Malfoy had pissed me off.

"Well yeah, just makes you a bigger freak." He left leaving me genuinely hurt. That was my biggest insecurity, it was like my hair would just change for no reason and then people would think I'm weird or whatever.

"Your a metamorphmagus that is awfully cool." Luna said in her dreamy voice, she was now reading a magazine called the 'quibbler' however it was upside down.

I smiled at her. "Thank you, I don't really like it most times but it can come in handy." She smiled back and went back to reading her magazine.

Suddenly the door flew open. "There you are Luna, em who are you ?" A girl asked me, she had red hair however slightly lighter than me.

"Ivy Sullivan, you ?" I shook her hand.

"Ginny Weasley. Are you new ?" I said the same thing I said to Luna to Ginny.

"Well it's very nice to meet you, what year you in ? Please say third, that's the year me and Luna are in."

"Sorry but I'm in forth." I gave her a small smile and she gave one back.

"My brothers in forth year, he's called Ron, you've also got Hermione...oh yeah and Harry." I realised when she said Harry's name she blushed. I could tell she liked him a bit. She looked down to hide her blush.

"Ginny, you can't just run away like that." A boy with the same red hair as Ginny came in followed by a girl with curly styled hair and a boy with messy black hair with round glasses on.

I guessed this was Ron, Harry and Hermione.

"Hi, I'm Ivy nice to meet you." I exclaimed holding my hand out to them all. They shook it each saying their name.

"Ron Weasley." "Hermione Granger." "Harry Potter." The last one said, that when I noticed his scar on his for head.

We all started to talk, the conversation was flowing easily, it was as if I knew them for years or something.

"Oh look, home." Hermione exclaimed pointing out the window. There stood a magnificent castle, built with stone bricks. It was mesmerising. I placed my hand on the window lost in thought staring out the window.

"Wonderful isn't it ?" Harry interrupted my thoughts, it truly was.

"Yeah, truly wonderful." I smiled at him and he did too.

The train pulled to a stop, carriages awaiting with beautiful horses.

"The horses are gorgeous." I said making my way over to the carriage.

"Horses ?" Asked Ron

"Yeah they are pulling the carriage. You can't see them ?" I asked confused, why was I the only who could see them ?

"No, only people who have saw something traumatic can see them, such as watching someone die or something." My smile dropped from my face, I had experienced something traumatic, I had watched my mother die in hands of an evil wizard.

"Is everything okay ? I can see them too. Your just as sane as I am." Luna said looking thoughtfully at the horses. That made me feel a tad bit better but not fully. By now my hair was a dark black colour and my eyes were a dark brown. The trio and Ginny looked at me confused and Luna quickly explained.

"Yeah, just thinking." My voice was small, I was trying to hold back tears. I looked away from my group and looked around. I noticed Malfoy was staring, he saw me look at him and he looked a way giving me an annoyed glare.

We made our way to the front entrance where all the students flooded in ignoring the teacher at the door.

"Excuse me Miss Sullivan, you need to follow the first years since you need to be sorted."

"Yes Professor McGonnagal." She was in a book I was reading so I knew her name.

I followed the first years into a hall known as the Great Hall. As soon as I saw it I knew why it was called 'The Great Hall' it was glorious. Candles hanging on the ceiling, the ceiling a night sky setting, four long tables I guessed were for each house were on the right and the left of the room. The teachers were up at the top, and there was a stool with a hat on I knew instantly that was the Sorting Hat.

I didn't pay much attention to the children who were called before me. I was still a bit upset however little by little my hair was regaining colour. But once I heard my name, my attention was back. The nerves were getting to me, my hands were shaking when I took a seat and the hat was placed on my head.

"Ahhh I haven't saw a Sullivan in a long time. Your a mix of everything Miss Sullivan, but I can see it now."


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