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Today was the day I get to go to Diagon Alley and get my stuff. It was very cold when I woke up, I could see my breath in the air.

As usual I did my normal morning routine and headed down to breakfast, my dad was already in the kitchen once again. "Good morning dad." I exclaimed while hugging him.

"Morning Ivy, are you excited for today ?"

"Of course, I've never been so excited in my life." I replied while slightly jumping. I ate my breakfast while my dad told me what there was at Diagon Alley.

I was going to take the floo network, this was my first time and I was kinda anxious. My dad gave me my vault key for Gringotts and then I picked up the powder and said. "Diagon Alley."

The feeling was horrible, it was rather scary also, like you were falling down a massive hole and don't know when it'll end. I ended up in a pub called the Leaky Cauldron and it was packed full of wizards and witches. Somehow I made my way out of the pub and onto a street. It was colourful with almost every building having a pop of colour some where.

My first stop was Gringotts to get my money. The outside looked like basic but the inside... wow it was breathtaking. Gold decorations was placed everywhere, goblins working at a counter type desk. It was extraordinary. I made my way up to one of the desks.

"Erm- vault 888." I cautiously said handing the goblin the key to the goblin.

"Right this way Miss Sullivan." The goblin said leading me over to a cart, oh god it's going to be a rollercoaster isnt it.

No doubt about it I was right, it went high up and down, swerved left and right almost instantly. Slowly but surely we started to come to a stop. "Vault 888." The goblin said doing some kind of magic unlocking the door.

The big metal door opened and oh my gosh, it was full to the brim with gold. I never knew my family was this wealthy, we had a decent sized house but still. "Go on the Miss Sullivan." Mr Goblin ushered me on almost pushing me inside.

I picked up a bag full of money and headed out. I had just realised when I came out there was another cart behind us. The cart had a boy and a man, both with platinum blonde hair. They looked very very snobby and smug.

"Hurry up you god damn Goblin." Almost shouted the man, he hadn't noticed me yet but when he did he furrowed his brow and lent down to his son whispering something in his ear. Well at least I thought it was his son.

I made my way back to the cart basically dragging my heavy bag. I'm gonna have to ask dad about how much money was in there. Once I got out of Gringotts, I headed to the pet shop. I was finally going to get an owl. The pet shop was interesting, animals ranging from a tadpole to some kind of big hairy thing.

I went to the owl section and had a look around. There was an owl with smokey grey feathers and neon yellow eyes. I put my arm out to se if it would go onto it and it did. Happily, I bought the owl, it was a screech owl and was a girl. I decided to name it Delilah. Next was the robe shop, the equipment magically measured me, I don't know how but it did. Finally I got them they fitted perfectly. Second last was the wand shop, Ollivanders.

"Ahh I've been wondering when I'll be seeing you Miss Sullivan." Said the man from behind the counter, he seemed friendly but looked creepy at the same time. He went to the back and pulled out a rustic brown box.

"Go on give it a flick." I did just that and smashed a vase.

"Sorry but nope." He took the wand off me and put it back.

"Perhaps, just maybe this one." This box was a burgundy red and the wand was decorated with carvings of flowers on it.

I took the wand from him and gave it a flick. This time wind gushed around me and a gold light shone around me.

"Interesting, very interesting." Mr Ollivander said looking at me curiously.

"Sorry sir but what's interesting ?" I asked, I was myself confused however was curious to what he meant.

"This wand is is beech wand with a unicorn hair core, 13 3/4" and has reasonable flexibility. Now what interesting is that the unicorn that gave the hair that's in your Wanda lap gave a few more strands for another wand. Those strands are in your mothers wand."

I stood there as still. I was in complete shock. I didn't know what to say. Once again, there's another way I'm connected to my mum. I felt so honoured and so happy.

"Thank you sir, it means a lot. I better get going now, see you later." I said while paying for my wand. I only had one stop left the book shop. It was full to the brim with people, even more then that pub. I hate large crowds and so made my way to the back of the bookstore. I found a section about mysteries that happened in the Wizarding world however has not been sold.

"Now Draco, what book is first on the list." A voice said, I didn't know who it was and so I kept reading.

"The mysteries of the Wizarding World." Replied a different voice.

Still I didn't look up, it'd be weird if they saw me looking.

"Move little girl." Said the voice poking me with his wand.

I grabbed my wand and pointed at him.

"Sorry, it's just instincts." I said lowering my wand. The man looked at me in disgust.

"I need the book you've got there." He tried taking it out my hands but I moved away swiftly.

"Find yourself one, this ones mine."  I glared at him. It was the same boy and man as in Gringotts.

There was a hint of disbelief in his eyes. I don't think anyone's stood up to him like that.

"Child, respect your superiors."

"I'll only respect my 'superiors' when they earn my respect." And with that I turned on my heel and walked away. I collected all my books and payed for them.

I couldn't help but think about my wand. I need to tell dad about this of course. I made my way back to the leaky cauldron and made my way home using floo network.

"Dad I'm home, I've also got something to tell you." I shouted as I came in.

"Just in the kitchen sweetie." He shouted back I made my way to him and sat down. I then told him about Diagon Alley and my wand. By the end he was grinning as wide as ever.

About an hour later I had tea, it was very very nice. After all the news I felt extremely tired and so went to sleep. My sleep was full of dreams, my mother and wand in ever single one.

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