Chapter One

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I don't exactly fit in here. Middle school, I mean it's torture! Drama, crushes, jocks, nerds, chorus kids, band geeks, oh and boys, it's a zoo of pre-teens and teens!
Girls say they know they're in love, but do they really know what love is?
Everyone else here has a crazy amount of friends. How do they make friends like that? I've never really been good at making friends let alone talking to people my own age.
I spend most of my time at school in the library. Which is where I currently am.
"Hey Emily!" I heard my only friend, Abigail call. Her full name is Katie Abigail Lawrence but, she prefers Abigail or Abi.
"Hey Abi!" I called looking up from the book I was invested in. "I don't usually see you here on Monday mornings." I added, considering Abi likes spending her time sitting in the school lobby with friends.
"Well, it's is the first day of school and I need to talk to you about a few things before home room. I figured I'd find you here." She sat down on the blue couch in the back of the library. She was wearing her normal black t-shirt, and a new white leather jacket with ripped skinny jeans.
"What's up?" I asked, closing my book.
"It's about my ex." She whispered like someone else was in the room; no one was.
"Which one? Jason or Colton?" I asked.
"Jason." She replied with a 'you should have known this' look on her face. "He texted me yesterday and told me he missed me and he couldn't wait to see me today. What do I do?"
"Didn't you two break up the week before school was out?" I asked puzzled.
"Yes, we did. This year is about new beginnings and most importantly new relationships." She stated plainly. "I can't date him again or even think about dating him again. Why would he say that? What do you think I should do?"
"I'm not quite sure what to do but, you know boys, they're all pigs!" I replied, even though I wasn't sure how to answer.
"Even Dylan Grayson?" She asked with a slight smirk on her face.
"He's different!" I whispered, I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as they turned bright pink. Dylan has been my crush since third grade. At the time I didn't really know what to think about having a crush so I didn't tell anybody but, when I started sixth grade I had to tell someone. Since Abi had been my only friend since 1st grade, I went to her.
"You've had a crush on him for four years! We are starting 7th grade! Don't you think it's time for you to find a new crush?" She asked just as the bell rang. I stood up and threw my bag over my shoulder.
"No. I don't think I need a new crush. I like Dylan. Plain as that! Boy after boy just isn't my style!" I explained; dodging 6th graders as we made our way to the stairs of our 2 story school.
"How would you know! You've never had boyfriend!" She giggled.
"Oh shutup!" I laughed as we jogged up the stairs. Luckily we had the same home room; which gave us the opportunity to talk more. We entered the class room to see everyone talking and laughing. Me and Abi sat in the back of the room.
"So are you gonna ask Dylan out this year?" She asked smirking slightly.
"No! You know I can't do that!" I said.
"Why not?" She asked.
"Number one: I'm WAY to shy. Number two: I don't feel as if it's right for a girl to ask a boy out." I explained.
"Old school." She smirked turning her attention toward the white board.
"I like being old fashioned." I smiled and settled more comfortably in my chair.
"Good morning class!" A tall brown haired man announced as he entered the room. "This is your home room and history class. I'm passing out your schedules now. You will see that attached to your schedules are your locker combinations." He explained; walking around the classroom handing out every ones schedules and locker combinations.
"Well, there he is." Abi smiled glancing up at the door. I looked up to see the tall brown haired boy I know oh so well. Dylan Grayson.

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