00 | nefarious

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00 | nefarious


Jung-gu, South Korea
December 2018

It was just like any other Tuesday; the sun was out, the sky clear, and the busy streets of Jung-gu hummed by. A specially perfect day for a heist.

Hussey strolled along the cracking sidewalk as she looked down at her phone that she held in one hand, her Iced Awake Tea Latte in the other. She sipped at it as she maneuvered around large square pillars that lined an old, pale cream colored building. Hussey, still looking at her phone, walked through the big wooden doors that acted as the entrance to Bank of Hana and up to a metal detection station. A security guard handed her a tin tray as she placed her cup down beside it. She took her purse and placed it down, her phone next to it. The guard smiled at her and gestured for her to go through the metal detector. Hussey walked through without a hitch and the tray of her things sat on the other side. "Have a good day, ma'am." The guard told her as she grabbed her cup.

"You too." She nodded and continued on her way. The bank was quiet for a weekday. The high ceilings were painted with murals of landscapes and in the center was a large dome shaped window that looked out into the sky and the buildings that surrounded it. Hussey saw only a few people sitting at desks that lined the center walkway that led to the teller windows. There was a line of at most five in front of her as she reached the back of it, but it wasn't long before she was at the window.

"Welcome to Hana Bank, what can I help you with today?" the woman behind the counter asked. Her hair was tied neatly back in a bun, her face riddled with makeup.

"I'd like to open a new account, please."

"Alright." The woman looked down at her computer, "Have you had an account here before?"


"Okay... and your name?"

"Hussey Shin." She took a sip of her latte as her phone buzzed in her other hand, "Can you excuse me a moment?" the woman nodded and continued typing. Hussey turned away, and covered her phone discreetly to text.

1 guard. 5 civils. 5 staff.

She placed her phone on her purse and returned her attention back to the woman, "Ah, sorry about that!" she said brightly and smiled.

"Oh, it's no problem." The girl smiled back, "Shall we continue?"

"Of course, what's next?"


1 guard. 5 civils. 5 staff.

Lucy finally looked up from her phone and turned to her team.

"We get in and get out. No casualties." Lucy said sternly as she packed her black duffle bag with four ski masks.

"What if there's resistance?" Jeongin questioned nervously as he fidgeted in his seat. He was clearly uncomfortable.

"Look, we've done this more times than I care to admit." She started, "We always come out clean. There's nothing to worry about." She glanced over at the other two, "If there's resistance, just knock them out." She zipped up the bag and threw it over her shoulder. "Hyunjin will distract the guard by saying he saw something suspicious in the bathroom. That is when he'll follow behind and when the time is right, he'll knock his ass out. We'll stand outside the door and wait for Hyunjin's signal that the guard is dealt with. Once Felix sees it, I'll give the signal to put the masks on. We get this done fast... we all have somewhere to be and people to see."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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