One Guilty Queen

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*set one week after the prologue*
Guin POV
I stick my hand in the bubbling potion that Merlin has given me. If the fear that I've been holding in for months comes to life, I will probably be at least banished. Maybe hanged? All I know is that it won't be good.
"Wait  five minutes and then take your hand out. If you are indeed carrying a child, it will turn purple." Merlin's voice rings in my ears. I fidget in agitation and look out the window toward the clocktower. It's only been two minutes.
Then I start thinking about when and how it could've happened. Lance and I were indeed in love, but I don't recall ever doing anything that could result in the symptoms I'm having, but here we are. I'm sick in the mornings, I'm ALWAYS hungry (which even Arthur's noticed because it's not in my character), And I'm late by 6 days. I'm honestly surprised Arthur hasn't asked me anything about it yet. But Lance has.
Five days earlier, the knights of the round table (including Lance), Arthur, and I were having an early discussion around the table when I suddenly felt sick. I tried not to interrupt anything going on and power through, but after about a minute, I could see that that wasn't going to be possible.
I scraped my chair back from the table and quickly got up, almost knocking the chair over in the process. I got quizzical looks from everyone in the room, but in the moment I didn't care. I bolted for the door, but in my haste, I tripped on my gown. As I lay sprawled out face down on the floor of the meeting hall, Arthur gets up hurriedly and takes my hand.
"Guin darling are you alright?" He asked with concern lacing his voice.
"I'm fine dear." I said forcing a smile. "But I really have to go. I'll be right back." I then resumed my mad dash for the door.
When I came back, the only ones left in the room were Arthur and Lance. I gave them both a quizzical look.
    "Where are the others?" I asked.
     "They've started their day. The meeting ended 5 minutes ago! I mean, where were you?" Arthur almost shouts. He then took a deep breath and composed himself. "I'm sorry darling it's just you missed a very important discussion."
    "Which was?" I asked trying to keep my voice from shaking. Arthur had been very temperamental sense we got back from school 6 years ago. He got mad at anyone who I talked to for over ten minutes that wasn't him. He got mad if things were even slightly "outside the lines" if you will. He got mad if I ever disagreed with him. These as well as many other issues were why I was slowly falling out of any sort of love that I felt for Arthur.
     "We were discussing how we need an heir to the throne."  I felt my blood go cold and my hands tighten into fists at my sides.
    "Do we have a deadline?" I asked shakily.
    "Only before we're 40, but Guin, I don't understand why we can't just do it!" Arthur said, his voice rising again.
    "This sounds like a private matter. Would you like me to leave?" Lancelot asked awkwardly. "No!" We both shouted in unison. I took a deep breath. it wouldn't do to have my voice rising too. That would make me just as bad as Arthur in these situations.
"Lance?" Arthur asked catching the knight's attention.
"If you could do something that would help this kingdom greatly, that was NECESSARY, but that you needed another person for, would you want them to help?"
This made my blood boil! he was guilt-tripping me whilst simultaneously pretending I wasn't standing right in-front of him! And this part he didn't know, but he was guilt-tripping  me to my true love.
Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "That's different!" And Arthur whipped around to face me.
"How is it any different Guinevere!"
"Because this is a PERSON! This is a HUMAN that needs our care and our love and that will have feelings and I don't know if I'm ready for that Arthur! I don't know if I'm ADEQUATE enough!"
Arthur sighed, turned on his heal, and left the meeting hall.
As soon as Arthur had left, Lancelot came over to me and took my hand.
"Are you alright?" He asks.
"No." I say trying to keep my voice from shaking. "I don't understand why he can't just listen. I mean, this would be a human... and I don't love him Lance. You know that!"
Lancelot rubbed slow circles on my hand with his thumb.
"I wish he wouldn't shout at you so much. And he needs to respect your wishes, but Guin, if... If you're holding out for us, that is, for, you and me, don't. This is going to be our reality one day. you will have to produce an Air to the throne."
I sighed, knowing that he was right.
"Oh Lance, if I'd just stood my ground during school, none of this would've happened." I said starting to cry.
Lancelot gently put his fingers under my chin and brought my face up to look at him.
"Guinevere, this is NOT your fault! If Arthur wants you so bad, he should act like it. And he shouldn't guilt trip you so much. But none of this is YOUR fault!"
I sighed and brought my hand up to meet his. I squeezed.
"Oh also, I meant to ask, are you ok?"
My shoulders instantly tensed at the question.
"Wha, what do you mean? I'm fine." I say, but my obvious stutter brings out my lie. Lance sighs,
"Guinevere, if you're sick, we need to bring it to someone's attention."
Seriously Lancelot, I'm fine." I say with a nervous laugh. He knew I'm hiding something, but dropped it as we walked out of the meeting hall to find my supposed beloved.
I feel my heart clench at the memory. Depending on how this whole thing plays out, I might have to go find him again. It's almost time. I hold my breath as the seconds draw near.
5... 4... 3...
I draw my hand out of the potion, and in it's wake, purple bubbles rise to the surface.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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