Chapter one- Things to come

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 Fifteen years have passed and the once five year old Finnick, has become a young man. His dream of becoming a Naga was always in the back of his mind as he worked hard to become stronger, knowledgeable, and reliable. He spent his time learning magic, swordsmanship, steel work, and various fighting techniques since he made that promise to his mother. The promise that he would make his dream of becoming a Naga a reality so that he could protect the weak.

The most recent of Finnick's works from the black smiths shop was in his hands as he worked on it. A thick black cloth covered his handsome features, only his eyes showed. Black and white, silky hair fell down to his cheeks when not pulled up into a ponytail with a piece of leather. His muscles flexed with every slam of the hammer he brought down on the short sword on his anvil.

"How is it going back here, kid?" Galick, Finnick's boss and mentor, asked from the doorway to the shop. The younger man stopped his work on the steel sword and looked over at his boss. The man was about six feet tall with brown hair and a lean figure. He had held the title of lead black smith since the creation of the town, Doheem, where they live.

"Almost done, this is the last one here. Then tomorrow you can have Laken Sharpen them. After that, all that they would need is testing and to be put out for show or in storage." Finnick replied as he placed the last sword back into the fire. Galick filled with even more pride as he looked at the boy he all but raised in the old forge. A smile spread across his lips as he watched Finnick pull the cloth from his face revealing his high cheekbones and full lips. Galick frowned as he always did when he saw the similarities between Finnick and his mother.

"Good work, I will be up front. It has been a busy day in the shop. Don't forget to stop in the shop before you leave. Go ahead and bring the new items with you." Galick ordered and the younger man nodded. Finnick was lost in thought as he wiped his face of sweat. His feet followed the familiar path to the water wheel behind the forge and pumped out some water. He cleaned his hands and face before he scooped some up and brought it to his lips. The refreshing liquid slid into his mouth and he nearly moaned at the relief it brought his dry throat.

His break from the sweltering forge was brief but left him refreshed. When he walked back into the forge, he made quick work of the sword and banged it into the correct shape. It took him no time to finish so he put it on the cooling wrack with the others. Since he was right next to the storage room, he walked in to grab the new works. Many were his creations that did not fit the norm but sold faster than he could make them. He pulled the tested merchandise from the shelves and carried them out to the attached shop. Galick sat behind the long, store wide, counter as Finnick placed the new pieces down.

"You know, people like your pieces better than mine or Scotties. When you leave, my business is going to go down." Galick grumbled as Finn separated the enchanted items from the not. He was quick to shake his head and look back up the older man that he saw as a second father.

"That's not true, I have seen many people compliment things you have made. You make really sturdy weapons." Finnick disagreed and the elder man smiled sadly. Galick would miss the boy but knew that he needed this next step.

"They may speak nicely about the shop but they are talking about the things you made. Of that, I am sure. Your tools, weapons, armor, and other creations are always well made but also attractive. Something even I have not mastered." Galick replied and Finnick rolled his eyes as he finished separating the new merch.

"So, these are the new merchandise? Did they go through the proper testing?" he asked and Finnick looked at his boss with a bored expression. Though he loved the man like a father, he never understood the need to ask pointless questions. Of course he tested the merch and made sure it was safe.

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