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Hermione layed in her bed, unable to sleep. She stared at her ceiling that was lit up by galaxy lights. She jumped as she heard a thump right outside her room. She didnt hear anything else but, "Bloody hell!" She smiled, she knew that was Ron. She facepalmed herself for thinking about him again. "I need to stop liking this dork, it's only hurting me." She thought to herself. Her doorknob started to turn, she gasped and without thing she rolled to her other side and pretended to sleep.
Ron crept to the side she was facing, he smiled as he brushed her hair to the side of her face. He kissed her on the cheek and sat next to her. She felt the bed go down. She could feel his warmth, too. He layed down next to her, wrapping one arm around her. She scooted herself closer to him. She gathered the guts to open her eyes and look at him.
They layed there gazing into each others eyes. "Ron," she finally got the courage to speak. "What are you doing?" He chuckled. "What are YOU doing?" She blushed as did he. They didn't say another word, just layed there and eventually Hermione drifted off to sleep.
Hermione woke up to the curtains being opened. She opened her eyes. "Ahh! I'm blind!" Ron jumped back and hit his head against the wall. "I'm meltingg!" Harry sighed, "We've been through so much and you're worried about the sun?" Harry laughed. "So, you're snuggle buddies now, eh?" Hermione blushed and shoved Ron off the bed. He pouted, "I hate mornings." He curled into a ball, holding his knees. "Can I go back to sleep?" Harry gasped, "Ron we have quidditch today! That's why I came to find you.." Ron jumped onto his feet and dashed out the door screaming, "Why didn't you say that!?" Harry sighed and looked at Hermione. "What?" She stared back. "Nice footies." She gasped and looked at her kitten footy pajamas. She threw the covers over her while Harry chuckled. He walked out the room and then picked up his pace, trying to catch up to Ron.
Hermione blushed, "Did Ron see them?" She wondered. She got dressed into her robes, brushed her hair and her teeth. She hurried as she wanted to see Ron play his part in quidditch, he was always confident in how he played. Especially when she cheated for him. She would use her magic when he wasn't winning a game. Only sometimes, just so she wouldn't get caught, and so she could comfort Ron when he was upset about losing.
This game, Ron did almost perfect. They won their game and Harry of course, caught the snitch almost at the end of their game. They didn't really need it but Malfoy was after it and Harry didn't like that one bit. So he taught Malfoy how to really do it. At the end of the game the three friends all met at the Great Hall to eat snacks as a reward for winning quidditch. Some of the Slytherins came too just to cheer up Malfoy. He glared at Harry from the other table, "Potter. You got lucky this time, don't tell me you used liquid luck just to try to match up to me?" His 'friends' laughed at the joke. Harry laughed, "Whatever makes you feel better about losing, Malfoy." Draco didn't like the talk back. Both of them stood up and went face to face, "So you think you're better than me at quidditch?" Harry smiled, "I don't think. I know I'm better." Draco shoved Harry, he shoved back. They started fist fighting. Draco punched Harry in the side making Harry drop to the ground. Harry winced and looked up at Draco. He stopped and helped Harry up. "Only because I don't want trouble with my father, ok Potter?" He helped Harry to the nurse.
Harmione giggled, "Oh won't the just realize they like each other?" Ron's mouth was wide open again. "No way...." Hermione laughed, "Oh Ron, it's so obvious."

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