A long-awaited reunion

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Vanya could not believe her eyes. Standing by the door of the donut shop were Ben and Klaus, gaping, looking at her in shock. Even the few people around the donut shop stirred a little when they heard Ben and Klaus call her name, but they didn't otherwise look up from their newspapers as they grumbled something about kids.

Her eyes on Ben, she could not believe he was standing there in front of her. Sure she knew he was alive, but seeing it in a picture was very different from seeing him in real life.

He looked so much older. His hair was short and pushed back naturally, and just like in his picture, she could see he still had the same kind, soft eyes he had as a child. For clothes, he wore an untucked white buttoned-up shirt, dark jeans and white sneakers. Klaus however, always the fashionista was wearing his usual furry coat and leather tight pants. His hair short and messy, with his usual beard. Unlike Ben, who aged and changed completely, Klaus looked exactly the same.

"Vanya?" Ben asked tentatively, taking a step forward, his voice, though much deeper, still sounded exactly like she remembered it.

That was the breaking point for her.

Running towards him at full speed, she leaped at him and nearly tackled him to the ground if he hadn't shifted his weight. Arms wrapping around his neck, she closed her eyes tightly and clenched him closer.

Ben is alive, and though she wasn't entirely sure if this was this reality's Ben or not, she didn't care. Her brother is alive.

"Woooow," she heard Klaus drawl. "So Ben gets a hug and I barely get a sideways glance, I see how it is."

Vanya couldn't help but smile fondly at Klaus.

Not letting go of Ben, she raised an arm and waved Klaus forward. Klaus pouted for a few seconds as if he was still mad at her but then he gave in. Smiling broadly, he walked towards them and leaned into the hug, wrapping his arms around them and placing his cheek on top of her head.

"Hey, Vany."

"Hey," her voice came out muffled.

For a few seconds they just stood there, hugging, and though she knew they must look so weird, a couple of adults hugging in the middle of a donut shop, she didn't care as much. Not when she felt the tension on her shoulders lessened.

A few seconds later, however, she did separate herself from them, knowing that they must be attracting too much attention. However, she still held on to Ben's hand as she smiled at him, still shocked.

"Ben is this really-" she couldn't finish her sentence, worried he might not be the Ben she knew. Of course, his reaction told her he was, but she was still skeptical. It's been a long morning.

Ben gave her a soft smile and nodded.

"Yea, it's me. And I can't believe we finally get to talk to one another after..." Ben looked up at the ceiling for a few seconds as if making a mental count before pulling his eyes back to her. "After thirty-four years."

That made Vanya's brows shoot up.

"Thirty-four years? What do you mean thirty-four years?"

Ben formed his lips into a tight line.

"I guess we should take a seat, this is going to be a bit of a long story."

Nodding in agreement, the three of them walked to the stools and she sat on the same spot as before, her coffee cold at this point.

As Ben and Klaus sat on either side of her, Ben called the waitress over and ordered a coffee for both of them. Unlike she had done with her, the waitress simply gave them a friendly smile, not once making the shocked expression she had made with her.

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