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Hey! So some of you may have noticed but prob not that I deleted a few chapters in this book and revised by last one. I wasn't really sure where this book was going so I took a while to think about it and I think I know where its gonna go so bear with me as I finally start to know how I want this book to go and I hope you all enjoy it! Also thanks for over 1K reads!! Love you all 

You wake up to someone knocking on your door. Usually no one knocks on your door in the morning so you looked at your phone and you had 40 texts from people and 20 missed calls.

Y/N: Who is it?

Corbyn: y/n! finally! wake the hell up we have called and texted you all morning! Get your ass out of bed and get ready, we are going to have some fun.

Y/N: Corbyn you know I cant do anything cause I have a concussion.

Corbyn: come on y/n don't ruin all the fun, you'll be fine.

Y/N: Ugh ok, what are we doing?

Corbyn: Well.... first I'm going to drive you to Chipotle and well get food while everyone sets up a surprise for you, then we will drive back to Zach's house since that is where it will be and then....you'll find out once we get there. Trust me, you'll be fine.

Y/N: Suprise? For me? I haven't done anything and today isn't my birthday so....

Corbyn: Just trust me, come on, we have to hurry if you want to get food before we go to Zach's.

Y/N: Ok i'll meet you downstairs in 15 minutes, I have to get ready.

Corbyn nods as he walks out of the room.

You look around and see your closet is a mess so you dig around to try to find something cute. You feel a cold set of hands touch your arm as you spin around to see who it was in your room.

Y/N: Uhh.. who are you?

Boy: I'm Justin... sorry that I didn't knock, I uh--

You look at Justin and he looked like a boy that any girl would die for but you didn't think he was cute. You just looked at him wondering why this random boy just came into your room touching your arm.

Y/N: So....Justin, is it? What are you doing in my room? 

You say that while looking back at your arm and he realizes what he was doing. He took his hand off then spoke again.

Justin: I thought you liked that  (eewww what is that)

Y/N: Look, I don't know who the hell you are or why your in my room but you need to leave.

Justin: Hey, you don't have to be so tense. I just thought you were pretty and I wanted to introduce myself to you.. that's all.

Justin was up against you on the wall inching closer and closer and you started to get more and more uncomfortable by the second.

Y/N: Uh, excuse me, please leave.

Justin: What? Am I too hot for you to handle?

Justin started to get close to you agian.

Y/N: No-

Corbyn: Y/N, is this boy bothering you?

Y/N: Yes, but he was just leaving.

Justin looked at Corbyn annoyed but then started to leave.

Justin: Bye beautiful.

You roll your eyes as Corbyn pushes him out the door.

Y/N: Thank god hes gone. He made me so uncomfortable. He can't just walk in and hit on me like that, I don't even know who the hell he is.

Corbyn: Don't worry Y/N, he won't do anything. Me and everyone else will make sure of that.

You smile and stand up as Corbyn walks out to leave you to finish getting ready. You definitely didn't like Justin but you had that gross, eerie feeling that he liked you and you didn't like that at all.

I want you//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now