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King Dedede slammed his fist onto the table in frustration. Why couldn't he find any good actors?! He excused the cappy in front him and flopped down into his chair. Why was this so hard?

King Dedede wanted to find some new actors for his upcoming TV show. He, even though he was magnificent, was tired of hearing his own voice coming out of every single screen in Cappytown. Especially because the waddle dees can't talk, he and Escargoon would have to dub every single voice. It would be nice to have some new faces showing up. Of course he would be the main character still, no one could take that role from him.

But finding new (and good) actors was proving to be difficult. Most of the people who had auditioned were either too annoying or terrible at acting. There were maybe one or two that could maybe be a possibility but made it there barely.

The next Cappy came up on the stage. He introduced himself  as Bert and looked at his script. Then he awkwardly proceeded to read it. King Dedede immediately crossed out his name and yawned. He had been here all day and nothing had impressed him. He was just going to call it quits after this one.

"So did I make it?" The shrill voice of the cappy on stage broke King Dedede's train of thought. Looking up he saw the kid looking at him with bright, hopeful eyes. Oh well, he's about to know what having your dreams crushed feels like. At least there's one fun part to these auditions.

"Yeah right, you couldn't be on this show if you were the last person on Popstar. Face it kid, none of you got the talent fo' this show. Now git outta here!"

Dedede chuckled quietly as the cheerful cappy's demeanor quickly turned to disappointment. He slumped down and slowly made his exit.

"And close the door on your way out!"

Making his way to his room, King Dedede clicked his pen against the clipboard and took another look at all the crossed out names. This was hopeless. How was he ever going to find the perfect actor for this role? King Dedede wanted to have three new actors but with the talent of these cappies he could be happy with just one.

Dedede tapped the pen against his chin in thought. The two actors that had the slightest bit of potential were circled. They showed the slightest bit of emotion when the script had read that their father died, though it was so little you'd assume they were faking being sad. As if they were in the will of a wealthy family or something. They both sucked, especially for the role. Oh well, they would have to do.

King Dedede was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear the faint clicking of shoes coming in his direction. The clicking became louder as Dedede continued to walk to his room. It became faster and louder still. And louder. And louder. And louder. And... Clang!

King Dedede had collided with a dark blue blob. Both of them fell to the floor. King Dedede lay on the ground for a moment, rubbing his head. Whatever he ran into was hard and metal, it had done a number on his forehead. He sat up to see who had run into his royal majesty, whoever it was was about to get a hammerin'. No one should disrespect the king like that!

Who he saw surprised him however. There was Meta Knight, adjusting his mask while being aided by his two knight companions. They helped him stand up. Dedede had probably done much more damage to Meta Knight then Meta Knight to him. The poor guy was like one third of Dedede's size.

"I apologize your majesty. I was not watching where I was going. Please forgive me." Meta Knight said while trying to keep himself on his feet. He seemed quite dizzy, his eyes spun around in the visor of his mask.

King Dedede could feel his anger boiling up and his hands reached for his hammer. Yet when he began paying attention to the knight's mysterious composer his anger quickly dissipated and turned into some form of hopeful excitement. The cape, the mask, the eyes. Could this be the actor he was looking for? He seemed to fit the role almost uncannily, almost as if it had been written for him. But could he be able to pull it off? It was time to find out!

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