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Hello guys I know it's been a while, and it's not totally my fault, I've had a Seminar to attend about relationships and more. I think it has even increased my knowledge to write more. Enjoy!!!

Natasha's POV

"Holy Shit!" Samantha exclaimed looking at me amazed like I just told her I was getting married.

"What Sam?, It's not like I'm getting married, I'm just saying he said we should be friends it's nothing much, he's cute though."

She looked even more amazed, Samantha is always Samantha always very curious about things and most times she makes a big deal out of them she's had like series of boyfriends while I'm yet to have one, I kinda feel jealous of her, like seriously am I that ugly?.

"I see someone's about to have their first boyfriend" she smiled and claps her hand in an exciting manner, this girl is seriously crazy.

"Sweetheart, first of all, he's got the attitude of an asshole and he just asked to be friends all of a sudden I think something is fishy, and we're just friends, we're not dating."

"So that means you've already agreed to being his friend right?" She smiled and flashed her shiny teeth at me.

"Well probably, but I'm still going to observe him"
She smiled and came closer to the seat I was on, we were at my house and we were having a sleepover, I was happy because at least I had someone to talk to about these things since my mom was busy lately.Samantha sat beside me and held both if my hands.

"I know you've never had a boyfriend and all but I want you to be careful, you know I've had experience and not all are good ones, so I want you to take it slowly and observe the kind of person he is."
She smiled and released my hand.

"Ok that's enough with the love talks what movie are we watching?"Samantha always brings out the fun wherever she goes and I was learning to open up to her more but my mom's case was still something only I knew about I just couldn't bring myself to tell anyone about it.

"Ok I saw this movie on Netflix, umm what's it called again?" I said as I tapped my chin.

"Girl, you definitely don't know what movie to watch do you?" Samantha laughed and to be honest, I didn't I'm not really a movie type because I loved novels and books but movies not that much but with Samantha things seem really interesting.

"Uh not really, I just wanted you to suggest one" we both burst into laughter.

"Ok, let's watch Grownish, I heard that the final episode is out" she said as she grabbed my laptop from the side table.

We didn't only watch Netflix but other movies too, till it was 12 midnight, it was already passed bed time but we were lucky enough that my mom wasn't home. She already brought her things for school the previous day.

It was already morning and I woke up to flash of the Sunlight in my face and Samantha's leg on my face too, Gosh this girl has bad sleeping habits.
I struggled to get her leg out of my face.

"Samantha!!, Will you get your fucking leg out of my face?" I yelled. She immediately removed her leg, like she was shocked my electric or something.

"Oh it's only you, like seriously? Is that how you wake someone" she rubbed her fingers on her eyes and shifted to other side of the bed.
I immediately jumped down and took a quick shower, I came out with a towel and the bitch was still in bed, sleeping.

"Sam!, There's a cockroach beside you"

"Ahhhh!, Where, where, where is it" she jumped up like she had seen a ghost and began to clean her PJ's, which made me laugh my ass out.

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