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Natasha's POV

I don't date girls.
That word kept ringing in my head, why did I even care it's not like I have feelings for this arrogant son of a _, gosh why am I even thinking about him, he's not special, he only tries to get on my nerves with his cocky attitude and I want my first boyfriend to be a perfect gentleman, the one who even if I don't end up spending my life with, would always be in my memories. hell no, it can't be Nathan, I know I acted all tough and fine but you know I was dieing to know the meaning of that or was he gay or something?.

"Hello!Miss Martins?" Holy shit, I can't believe I was seriously lost in thoughts in the middle of a biology class, so unlike me.

"Uhh yes ma'am" I said as fast as I could.

"Could you please, tell the class the part of the human body that ........." She asked. Am guessing that she might be noticed that I wasn't even in the class anymore.
"Umm, The part of the human body that does........ Is the........."
Luckily for me I prepared ahead of the class, I was actually a bit proud of myself, ok yeah maybe quite awesome, the whole class just stared at me like I was a genius.

"That's excellent, actually the only reason I asked was to see if you were still here but I'm glad to know that you prepared ahead of the class."
The inner me smiled, sometimes, it was good to be a book nerd, I laughed.

"Hey pretty, do you mind hanging after school?." I looked beside me and saw the blonde guy that was sat beside me, he had a very smooth face and intense eyes and a semi pointed nose and his lips were to die for but I didn't even care about that right now, why do guys always have this horrible manner of approach towards girls that make us seem like some property that'll probably do whatever they just say by the sound of their voice, assholes.

"So what'd you say beautiful, I've been looking at you for a while now and you seem to be lost in thought about something, I could help you take your mind off whatever it is." He said smirking, I looked at him in utter disgust, I couldn't be beside someone as cocky as this, I needed to get the hell out before I did something no one would like, not even myself.

Like seriously what is wrong with guys,giving me these looks lately.

"Please excuse ma'am I wanna make use of the restroom" I stood and left the class. I wasn't even concentrating on where I was going but I knew I was going towards the restroom.

Just immediately I entered the restroom, I began thinking about my mom, we haven't been as close as we used to be before, I missed her but all that mattered to me was her happiness.

I went towards the mirror in the restroom, washed my face and exhaled, probably trying to clear my head from unwanted thoughts, I stepped out of the restroom and almost immediately I was pulled into the next door, with a hand over my mouth, I let out a muffled scream, but nothing came out, the unknown person held my mouth so tight that I felt suffocated, I tried biting off his hands, and I realised that was a terrible mistake on my path.

As soon as I bit the unknown mans hand I received a heavy slap at the back of my head that made my eyes roll to the back and I felt myself blacking out.

* * * * * * * *

I opened my eyes and immediately closed them trying to adjust to the bright blinding lights in the room.

Where the hell am I?

Those were the first thoughts that came into my mind, I moved a little bit, opened my eyes and I didn't need a Soothsayer to tell me that I was kidnapped.
I looked to the left and saw the one person I hadn't expected to see at all beside me.

"Oh sweetie, you're up finally" she said making an effort to move close to me but her efforts constantly failed as her hands were bound by chains, these people, whoever kidnapped us were ruthless they couldn't even cuff our hands or at least use a rope. Motherfucking assholes.

"Mom?, What in the name of Christ are you doing here?"

"Sweetie am really sorry, this is all my fault" she said in between sobs, I didn't understand what she meant by that but what the heck, I wanted to know.

"Mom, I don't understand all this, you, the words your saying, everything it's just so confusing."

"I should've listened, I should have listened to you, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I was such a fool" my mom said as she fully burst into tears, uncontrollable tears, the last time I saw my mom cry so much was when dad died but after that she was pretty good at hiding her emotions, but now I saw my mom so vulnerable, then I'd ever seen her before, and I knew better.

"Hell no!! Mom how could you?, don't tell me you." I paused, she couldn't have, she shouldn't have, no!.

"Yes, Tasha I signed over the company to Damon, and I now realize that it could've been the most stupid mistake I've ever made, I let you down as a mom, I'm really sorry."

"Oh hell yes you did, what were you thinking mom?, I knew totally that something was off about him, I'm sorry too mom, it was partially my fault I was the one who made him talk to you in the first place, I noticed how lonely you were these days without dad, you're not entirely at fault but I blame you for blindly giving out or company to a man you barely knew anything about and you know that most of the things we own are connected to the company, loosing the company means loosing every damn thing."

"Yes I know, I shouldn't have given him everything but I did what I did out of love, I hadn't seen anyone who'd loved and cared for me so much beside your dad and I was lonely, little did I know that he was a two faced jerk." My mom said as she wiped off a drop of tear on her left cheek.

"Ok mom, let's leave the talks for later, we just have to leave here for now I'm sure if we get out of this place, there's something we can do to stop him."

"Oh yes honey, there is something, he hasn't been announced yet as the official owner of the company, and you have half share of the company, well I couldn't be that stupid to give him your share of the company. That was a gift which your dad left you before he passed. I'm guessing the reason you're here too is because he wants your share of the company and that can only happen if you and I are not there to take it from him."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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