Chapter 3-The three year old wound

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A few days have already passed, Bulma was all caught up in her thoughts these days. It was drowsy noon; the sun was shining bright. The young genius was sitting in the garden in her silk pajamas, attempting to read a book. It was a quiet day; she was finally able to relax. All of a sudden a voice came out of nowhere saying, "hey Bulmaaa," breaking the silence. She looked behind her to see who it was. Yamcha was coming her way holding a box in his hands, a pair of sunglasses on his head, and his long hair in a ponytail. Bulma indifferently replied to him "what are you doing here?" and got back to her book.

Yamcha: boy you do not look happy to see me.

Bulma: I didn't mean that it's just, it's been a while seen we last saw each other.

Yamcha yeah, I know since we broke up we didn't see each other a lot.

Bulma: anyways, what brings you here?

Yamcha sat next to her, placing the box of sweets on the table. He put on a friendly smile and said, "actually your mom asked me to check on you." 

Bulma answered surprised, "What? Why?"

Yamcha: she told me that these few days you seamed under the weather. She said you have been distant you haven't talked to any of your friends, so I figured why not come and check on you, see how you doing.

Bulma: hmm, well you didn't have to I'm fine. And it was about time I stop talking to those high level suck-ups.

Yamcha: you don't look fine to me, what's going on?

Bulma: nothing Yamcha I just have a lot on my mind lately.

Yamcha: you sure? cause your mom told me that you are acting weird from the day you went to that dinner.

Bulma: She can never keep her mouth shut, and you not going to let this go, aren't you?

Yamcha: when I see that you are not okay Bulma no I won't. I just want to help you.

Bulma: If that's the case then can I ask you something?

Yamcha: anything.

Bulma: what happened three years ago with you and the Saiyajin syndicate?

Yamcha almost choke on his saliva and promptly answered "WHAT? Why are you asking about the Saiyajin? Did something happen with them, tell me!" 

Bulma gestured him to calm down and replied "I 'm just asking out of curiosity. I mean you never told me what happened and you almost got killed."

Yamcha: why are asking about this now? it's been three years.

Bulma: I know, it's just that the other night I heard Fujita saying something about them and it invoke my curiosity. You know the only thing I ever hear about them is what bastards they are.

Yamcha: yeah that's cause that's all they are, especially their boss, Vegeta. I heard some really messed-up things about him.

Bulma: yeah, but are those things true? I mean I doubt that they will just shoot somebody for no reason, something must have happened, so tell me.

Yamcha: what will you gain if I tell you? Why do you even care?

Bulma: For gods sake Yamcha I 'm living in same city as they are, and I don't understand why you are so hesitant to tell me. Is it because you did something wrong?

Yamcha NO! Its just it was a hard time for me, and I don't tell this to anyone.

Bulma: well I 'm sorry about that Yamcha but don't come around here expecting to make up things with me when you can't trust me and see me as an 'anyone.

Yamcha replied in a soothing tone "it's not that I do trust you it's just that." Bulma cut him short and said "then prove it. Tell me what happened." 

Yamcha took a gasp of defeatment and said hesitantly "fine, I will but this is between us." 

The blue-haired woman nod her head letting him know that she agreed.

Yamcha: then listen, three years ago I wanted to buy a gun and a friend of mine connected me with the Saiyajin.

Bulma screamed at him "A GUN? Why would you want to buy that?"

Yamcha: because I thought it would look cool. I just wanted it for protection, I didn't thing that anything bad would happen. I know it's stupid but let me finish.

Bulma: fine go on.

Yamcha: we set a meeting place for the exchange. Vegeta and another guy was there. They showed me few guns to try and choose witch one I wanted but then, out of nowhere that idiot Vegeta grabbed me and pushed me against the wall. He started shouting at me some nonsense about some other syndicate and a cartel.

Bulma: why would he do that?

Yamcha: From what I understood he thought I had drugs on me or something like that.

Bulma: what do drugs have to do with this?

Yamcha: from all I know at that time there was a mix up with the drug cartels and because the Saiyajin wasn't dealing at that time, he must have thought I was from the opposite syndicate. 

Bulma seemed appalled from all of this, she knew nothing about this whole mess.

Yamcha proceed, "after he was punching me for some time, a guy came running there and told Vegeta something. He said that they had to go. He threw me down on the sidewalk and kick me in the stomach. Then the other guy asked Vegeta what he shall do with me and that asshole said, 'the only thing to do with thrush is get rid of them,' and then he just pulled out his gun and shot me in the chest twice."

Bulma: wooow! Really?

Yamcha: yeah that asshole shoot me and left me there to die, for my good luck the cops came and found me. They took me to the hospital immediately if it wasn't for them, I would have died.

Bulma: I can't believe this. How can he just shoot somebody in cold blood!

Yamcha: that's why I hate them so much, these guys aren't messing around they are cold-hearted.

Bulma: I can see that now. Thanks for telling me, but why didn't you tell me this before?

Yamcha: I didn't want you to think less of me, but let's just leave this shit and talk about something more interesting.

Bulma: Such as?

Yamcha: Well what will happen with us? It's been ten mounts since that fight we had, so I was wondering maybe we could put it behind us.

Bulma: again with this? Yamcha i already gave you two chances and it didn't work out i think that's enough. 

Yamcha: but i don't want to lose you, and i know i made mistakes before but i will not do those mistakes again.

Bulma let out a sigh and replied friendly yet filmy to him, "Look Yamcha we had problems before that and you know it, splitting up was the best thing for both of us and we agreed on that. We also agreed that if we were to stay friends the will be no more talking about us making up. Anw's their is no point in talking about this any more.  Thanks for visiting but I have other thing to do. Goodbye Yamcha."

 Bulma got up and left. Yamcha tried to stop her but it was pointless.

She went into her room and sat at her desk. She was more confused than ever; she couldn't make any sense out of thing. She mumbled to herself "Why did I got myself mixed up in this shit, and what in the word was this hall thing with Vegeta shooting Yamcha?" Bulma let out sigh, lean back her head and thought, "I really need to stay away from this Saiyajin story or I will be in big trouble and for goods sake I need to stop thinking about that Vegeta."

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