Amy - chapter 3

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"Right, girls, we have a big competition coming up and it's being held here on our ice! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you must be ready to take the crown!" Coach Penny said.

"Go and have a shower and cool down - and remember no harsh words with the hockey boys."

Yeah, right. Harsh words with the hockey boys are always going to happen.

"Those stupid rotten idiot hockey boys are stealing precious time away from us to train for nationals!" My best friend Elle rants. "It's always all about them and what they want! Who cares if they don't win the league! It's just the league and Nationals is waaaay more important anyway!"

"Elle chill out. You have been going on and on about it for 5 years and nothing has changed. Just forget it." I calm her.

"What if I don't want to chill out? What if I don't want to forget it? They have been ruining our training sessions and messing things up for too long and I'm going to stop them!" She boasts.

"Speak of the devil...." I whisper just as the guys loudly burst through the door, talking and laughing.

"Nice little outfit twirly girl!" Jeers one of them.

Elle jumps up and tries to hit him but I grab hold of her arm.

"Don't." I warn her.

"Ooooh does little twirly girl need her Mummy wummy to hold her hand.?"

"Matt, stop." Warns one, I think his name is Josh.

Matt laughs and saunters off.

Elle grumbles and stomps off towards the changing room and all the other girls.

Josh is the only nice one out of the group, I think to myself. If only they were all like that.

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