Josh - Chapter 13

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My Dad yells at me for getting home late.

I sigh.

"Why are you sighing? You shouldn't be tired, that was a light workout." He tells me ruthlessly.

"No, Dad, I'm not tired.." I lie. I've learned better than to argue with Dad. Much better to pretend you're not tired and slink off to bed.

"Good, you'd better not be. You've got a game on Saturday, and as today is Thursday, you have a tough day of training tomorrow.

I groan.

"What was that?"

"Nothing.." I mumble.

"Good." He retorts, and goes into the kitchen.

I let out my breath and slump up the stairs. I will stand up to him one day, on a day where I'm not exhausted from hockey, but with him as my coach, that day will probably never come.

I sleep like a log, and wake up in the morning to my alarm clock blaring at me. I hit snooze at least twice before my Dad comes up and pulls my duvet off of me.

"What are you playing at?" He yells.

I groan and heave myself up, and Dad leaves the room.

I suffer a long day of school, my eyes closing on average of three times a lesson, apart from P.E, when I actually try and force my weary limbs to do something.

Walking home, my legs feel like lead and my arms like bendy cheese strings. My backpack falls off my shoulder so many times that I end up dragging it down the street and through my front door.

Stomping up to my room, I collapse onto my bed, and fall asleep.

My Dad comes in what feels like only 5 minutes later, but it turns out I slept for two whole hours!

"JOSH! Get your lazy butt out of bed!" He yells.

Now when have I heard this before? Oh yeah, only almost every day of my life.


Hi guys, sorry this was a filler chapter, just to get out that Josh wants to stand up to his Dad.

Eliza xx

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