CHAPTER 10: Cousins

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The SAME thing happened the next few days and now it's Saturday, a typical weekend that students mostly treat as their day off from hectic academic activities. But not for Yvo and Lareina, they only got five days before the submission so they decided to spend the whole day, furnishing and finishing the song that was still under completion.

Of course, Sean was there too but unlike the first day they came here instead of sketching something, he mostly spent his time sleeping on Yvo's couch. His eye bags and yawning doesn't go unnoticed by the two but Lareina didn't bother to ask 'cause she knew she was part of the reason behind it.

Deep in her mind, Lareina knew that Sean doesn't have a good sleep at all. Those eye bags under his eye and repeated yawning are basically caused by him staying late at night to finish his painting. She knew for a fact how busy Sean was, so she confronted him that she can manage alone. She thought that Sean would easily agree to it, but the latter refused and kept on demanding to join them. When she tried to explain her point, he will just cut her off and said that he will never change his mind. Not being able to change his mind, Lareina with a heavy heart just let him do what he wants.

"Wake up, Sleepyhead!" Shouted Yvo as he shakes Sean's shoulder roughly to wake him up. Lareina wanting to scold Yvo for waking up Sean, hold herself since it was already too late. Sean's already awake. It doesn't take long for Yvo to wake him up, since Sean wasn't a heavy sleeper at all.

"Why?" Sean asks as he opened his eyes. Still lying on the couch, too sleepy to stand up.

"It's almost noontime. Go make some lunch." Yvo casually commanded and the latter can't help but sigh as he stand up.

He kinda regretted the first time he cooked here 'cause since then, the two kept pestering him about food. Don't get him wrong, Sean loves cooking but these past few days he was too tired to move his ass off. What surprised him more is that the next day they visited this house, Yvo's fridge was now filled with fresh chickens, pork, fruits, and vegetables. When he asked him if he did some grocery, Yvo answered that his Mother came and thought he had brought some girl in his house that cooked for him so she prepared everything.

Anyways, back to reality. Sean carefully rubbed his eyes as he asks the two. "What am I? Your chef or something?"

Yvo groaned. "Aren't you tired of asking that question again and again? Cause my ears are, now cook or I'll kick you out." He threatened and Sean just rolled his eyes.

'As if that would work on me.'

"Well, my ears are also tired of hearing those threatening words of yours repeatedly." He retorted back as he walked outside and went to the kitchen.

"Sean, you sure gonna cook? You looked tired already. Let's just..." Her words got cut by a sudden phone call right inside Sean's pocket.

Sean quickly get his phone out of his jeans pocket and glanced at the caller's name. As he saw that it was his mom, he excused himself to the two and pressed the answer button.

"Hey Mom, What's up?" He greeted.

"Nothing just wanna tell you to go home early today. Your cousins gonna come this afternoon and we'll have a dinner together." His Mom mused.

As Sean heard the news, he smiled brightly. "Cousins? Including Lujie?"

His Mom smiled on the other line. "Of course, she will. So better come home early, okay? Help me prepare for dinner."

"Noted Mom, bye-bye. Love you."

"Love you too." His Mom replied before hanging up the call.

"What was that? You're smiling? Care to tell me the good news?" Lareina butted in.

"Nothing." Sean shook his head at Lareina and turned his eyes to Yvo who was also looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Can we go home early today? My cousins gonna come tonight and I want to help my Mom in preparing
for dinner."

"Sure, just come early tomorrow."

With that, Sean's mouth went agape. "What? Tomorrow is Sunday and you'll still gonna practiced? Isn't it supposed to be a rest day?"

"The deadline is coming and we both want it to be perfect. If we won, we'll
be given a chance to perform it on stage during the night concert, in front of legendary alumni artists of our School!" Lareina vividly explained with anticipation.

"So that's what you both aiming for. Seriously guys? give yourself a break. You're still a freshman, enjoy your rest da—"

"We're enjoying ourselves." Yvo interrupted. "Making a song is our passion."

"Yeah, and tell that to yourself too Sean. From what I can see, you're also not taking a break from your painting. Look at you, you looked sleepless." Lareina seconded.

Sean said nothing for he knew he wouldn't win the argument, alone. "You're so mean. Though, I looked sleepless I'm still handsome, right Lareina?" He jokingly asked Lareina trying to change the topic.

"What if you start cooking instead of asking her if you're handsome? Nothing will change though, you still looked like a rabbit to me." Yvo interrupted in annoyance.

Sean glared at him and gritted his teeth. "I didn't ask you dumb*ss! One more word from you and you won't eat any food I'll cook."

Yvo fell silent while Lareina chuckled seeing his behavior. "Seems like someone's afraid to get hungry." She joked and before Yvo could reply she hastily run away from them.

"You had a one-of-a-kind best friend," Yvo commented plainly as he sat on the chair.

"Well, She's one in a million." Sean dreamingly agreed and for the first time, they both agreed on the same thing without having disputes and it's all because of Lareina.

"Corny." Yvo scoffed as he looked at the older in disdain. Hearing Sean speak filled with love and admiration toward Lareina made him flinch because of the overload of cheesiness.

"Huh!" Sean huffed. "That's because you don't have someone you love romantically. If you have, you would understand what I feel."

"IDC. Just make it fast, I'm already starving." Yvo muttered dismissively as he get his phone and play some games.

"Jerk" Sean murmured to himself before focusing on his cooking.

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