CHAPTER 11: Suffocated

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Chapter 11

As soon as Sean dropped Lareina at her house safely, he hurriedly pedaled toward his home knowing his cousins are already there. Just a while ago, after Lareina and Yvo finished everything they ought for today, he received a text message from his Mom saying that his cousins already arrived. Making his body cells get excited, wanting to be home real fast.

When he arrived, he heard his Mom's laughter from the living room so he followed it.

"LUJIE!" Sean joyfully shouted as he saw his favorite cousin chatting with his Mom.

He quickly ran towards them and hugged her. While his mom giggled at his son's childish reaction.

"Where's A-Cheng?" He asks as he broke up the hug. He then turned to his Mom and gave her a light kiss on the cheek.

Jiang Lu and Jiang ZhuCheng are siblings, his cousin from his maternal side. Lu also called "Lujie" is the oldest one among them, while Cheng is the youngest. She is their big sister and was now a wife of a wealthy man named Jin.

"I'm here, you childish brat." Someone said from behind, making Sean turn his head towards the owner of the voice.

"Grumpy as ever, A-Cheng." He snorted before hugging him.

"And you are still childish as ever
A-Sean." Cheng retorted back as he returned the hug. "Older than me but act like a 3-year-old child in front of my sister."

"Hey, She's my sister too!" Sean debunked it before pouting.

"Stop pouting, you looked like a duck!" Cheng hissed and looked at Sean with disgust.

"But it's cute."

"Cute my foot." Cheng scoffed as he sat on the couch. "Anyways, tomorrow we will hang out, clear your schedule. Auntie said you'd been busy these days that you won't even sleep."

"T-tomorrow?" Sean asked in clarification.

He wants to hang out with his cousins since it has been too long since the last time they went out together. However, Lareina has a practice tomorrow at Yvo's house so he needed to be there. Who knows, if something bad might happen to her if he let her go there alone.

"That's right, Sean." Said Lu. "We're going out like we usually do tomorrow, but first we're going to the church so better wake up early 'cause I heard the mass begins at 9."

"B-But..." He reluctantly stuttered audible enough to be heard.

"But?" Said A-Cheng, waiting for him to continue his words.

"Lareina and Yvo have a practice tomorrow and I needed to be there." He explained.

The siblings knew Lareina since they already met her once at this very house just a year ago. They got to familiarize her easily because sometimes as they talk to Sean over the phone, her name was always muttered by Sean over and over again, discussing their bonding and so on.

"Are you her bodyguard or something? You're so damn possessive when you don't even dare to confess." A-Cheng sneered and pointed to Sean to give him some advice. "If I were you, stop acting like that, or else, you will be busted without even confessing your feelings. Didn't you know that you're overprotectiveness might suffocate her."

"S-suffocate?" Sean unconsciously repeated his cousin's words.

"I..." Sean lowered his head, doesn't know what to say. Recalling the time when Lareina and him got into an argument when she confronted him to stop joining them and focus on himself made him want to slap himself, real hard.

What if She felt suffocated like what A-Cheng said? and maybe I am just too dumb to notice it. But what if she's not? Should I just let them be alone on their own? What if she suddenly gets attached to that guy? Argh! I don't trust that guy!!

"I'll just text, Lareina." He said, lifting his phone in front of the siblings before excusing himself.

He walked upstairs and went to their balcony. As soon as he get there, he began typing words for Lareina. He meant a while ago that he will message her. He's kinda scared if Lareina felt that way, he doesn't want her to feel that.


The next day, Lareina went alone to Yvo's house surprising the latter.

"Where is he?" Yvo asks as he looked around. They were still at the door and he somehow forgot that Lareina is still standing outside, just in front of him.


"Yeah, your dog." He Bluntly remarked that made Lareina glared at him, sharply.

"Don't call him like that! Sean's not a dog. He's too handsome to be one." Lareina defended his best friend and Yvo just shrugged it off.

"Yeah, he's not a dog more like a bunny 'cause of his teeth, but anyways he's so damn protective of you so let's just say he has a dog-like character. What I said is true, right?"

"I don't understand both of
you!" Lareina said as she ruffles her long wavy hair annoyingly.

"It's a man thing, so you really won't understand." Yvo simply answered.

"Anyways, when will you let me in?" Lareina asks which made Yvo realized that he was blocking the doorway.

He immediately steps aside and opens up the door wide for Lareina to enter. "I'm sorry, come on in. Jeez, where's my manners? I was just really surprised that you went here all by yourself without that bodyguard of yours."

Lareina shakes her head and waves her hand, signaling to Yvo that it's not a big deal. "I was surprised too as I read his message last night. Seems like he missed hanging out with his cousins."

"Oh, that's why," Yvo muttered dismissively. He still can't believe that Sean chose to hang out with his cousins. Knowing him and his lovesick issues, he would choose Lareina—That's what he expected—and what happening now, his gut feeling assumed that something is wrong. Anyways, that's not his problem anymore. It's quite a blessing for him to be with the girl he likes ALONE- yeah alone, without having a possessive third wheel.

"So let's start?" He happily mused and Lareina nodded her head agreeably.






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