"You know that I hate you but you keep pestering me"???said, "You'll never be my sister."
Why does ??? hate his own sister ?
Read to find out
Cover: Anonymous_Artz
Not good with description please read and enjoy!
This is a crossover between Haikyuu...
A/N "Hey"- talking 'Hey' - thinking "Hey"- shouting TimeSkip Flashback Place —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Saturday Home 7am M/n POV As I woke up I washed my face with cold water wake myself. I am lucky I didn't have practice today because it is only the first week of our school year. After waking up I made breakfast which was western style breakfast.
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After breakfast I went to jog around the park to exercise. I met Shun senpai on my run so he invited himself to my house. He invited the second years and the third years to my house. He is quite annoying, but I still respect him. As we jogged home the 3rd years and the 2nd years were outside the gate. We all went in to the house. As they relaxed themselves I brought them snacks. They were immersed in the game so Rui, Haru, Kai senpai and I went to my office where we usually hang around. We read books and played strategical game ( shogi and chess ), board games and card games.
Lunch 1pm
For lunch I had takeout pizza from pizzaria and had soft drinks. After lunch the team went to play volleyball and swim while I stayed at home. I read some books from my hidden library. After reading I planned to play game or text someone.
A/N Bold is M/n Normal is Kenma Italics is Akaashi Underlined is Karoo Underlined bold is Bokuto Underlined italics is everyone
Hey kenma are you free to play.Yeah why? Wanna play a round? Sure but can add my friends that I added last time? Sure if they are free? Okay thanks? Oya? OyaOya? OyaOyaOya? Hello again are you free to play with Kenma and I ? Yup let's play
After lots of rounds
Uhhcan you give me your phone numbers? You are my friend and I can text whenever we can play. Sure but why? I wil have paper work for student council and stuff so I could text you when we can play. Okay.
After they give me their phone numbers.
Text(Game Buddies)
M/n: you can add my number
Kenma : already added it
Akaashi: ^
Bokuto; ^
Kuroo: ^
M/n: bye I have to prepare dinner
Bokuto: Bye!
Akaashi: Bye
Kuroo: Bye
Kenma: Bye :)
Sustem: M/n went offline
Kitchen 6pm
As I prepared dinner which was sushi everybody else except for Kai took a shower because they swam. Kai helped me prepare, I was so thankful for this because it took less time to prepare.
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After dinner we watched a movie until I was tired so I took a shower and told them " I'm going to sleep.". When I went in my room I read a chapter of the book I'm reading. After reading I put the book on the table and take my pills for sleeping and vitamins. After putting the lights off I fell into sleep.
This is chapter 3!!! English is not my home language so please understand if there is mistakes. Please read, vote and comment. Have a nice day!💜