Chapter 5

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"Hey"- talking
'Hey' - thinking
"Hey"- shouting
3weeks before the training Camp / Exams started
As I woke up I was lucky I didn't have a meeting, because it was it was exams and we didn't have a meeting so I woke up late today. I went to my kitchen to make breakfast and lunch. I ate a quiche and orange juice and pack the remaining and a sweet for lunch.


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After eating I did the bathroom routine then went to school by jogging

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After eating I did the bathroom routine then went to school by jogging.

School at gym
After practice coach called so we surrounded him. He said," Today is our last practice before our exam starts and after the we are going to a joint training camp at Tokyo with the other teams from other prefecture for a months(using their holiday)so study hard and let's go to Tokyo.""Yes sir." we answered back. The second years and I were talking about a study group at my home.

After school

After school the second years and I went to my house to study. We had a schedule first we were going to do math and science. I already knew this work so I studied language (English and Japanese) which I wasn't good at. After studying we had a little break by having a snack and playing volleyball. While Yoru kept the scores so I practiced shooting a basketball from the 3 quarters of the court. I still hated basketball but I wanted to better my skills so I don't forget how to play. After playing we went back to studying business studies, history and geography while I did my homework. Before everyone finish with their studies I went to the kitchen to make steak for them.

 Before everyone finish with their studies I went to the kitchen to make steak for them

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After eating they left so I made a cup of tea and went to my office to do my paperwork

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After eating they left so I made a cup of tea and went to my office to do my paperwork.

In my room on the couch

After I finished my paperwork and the dishes I texted Kenma and Akaashi.


M/n: Hey I'm going to Tokyo next week.

Kenma : Oh.

Akaashi: Well hope we can see you.

M/n: Today I can't play a round because I have to study.

Akaashi: Yeah me too.

Everyone except Kenma: Bye Kenma.

Kenma: Bye :'(

System: They all logged out

After texting them I studied until 10:30 then read my book.After reading I put the book on the table and take my pills for sleeping and vitamins. After putting the lights off I fell into a deep sleep with no dreams.


This is chapter 5 and I didn't know I would carry on with the story.
English is not my home language so please understand if there is mistakes.
Please read, vote and comment.
Have a nice day!🧡


I'm planning to make another book. Choose an anime/webtoon for me.


Kuroko no Basuke

Cells at Work

Yu Gi Oh Gx/5DS/Zexal/Vrains




Tower of God

Choose a character as well.
Each person = 1 vote


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