2- Wake Up

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Hi! I am gonna experiment with  my writing format, and try to not make it one big block of dialogue. 👻

Play The song when Prompted!

"Who are you?" I screamed trying to get my voice to be heard over all the yelling, suddenly we heard dad's car pull in.

"He can't be home! I thought he said he was taking Carlos to baseball!" Julie peered out the studio window. "That's what he told me." I opened the door.

"What are you two up to?" Carlos hopped out of the car trying to intimidate us. "Cleaning out the studio." I smiled at his 'stink face'.

"Julie, you okay honey, you look like you've seen a ghost." My dad chuckled. "Me a ghost! Impossible! Ghosts aren't real!" Julie chuckled awkwardly, I punched her in the arm. "Why are we cleaning out the Studio?" I asked my Dad. " Come on, lets go inside." He grinned.

"I'm so confused!" I yelled. "The reason you are cleaning  out the studio is because I was thinking, maybe we could redecorate and turn it into a loft? For you." He grabbed left overs out of the fridge. "What would we do with my room?" I asked getting out five plates and handing them to Carlos. "Carlos would get your room, and I would get a home office." he smiled opening the microwave. "Dinner should be ready in 30." Dad finished pushing buttons on the microwave.

"Come on!" Julie grabbed my hand dragging me to the studio.

"Stay behind me! Are you still here... whatever you are?" Julie asked pulling out a cross from her pocket. "What are you doing?" I whispered loudly. "Shhh! I'm trying to get them out!" She stomped her foot. "I know I saw something . I'm not crazy." she turned to me.

"Well, we're all a little crazy." the three boys appeared out of nowhere, causing us to scream. "Oh my god! please stop screaming!" the blonde one wearing a pink hoodie asked, flinching at our screaming.

"Is this some kind of sick joke! Because it isn't funny!" I stuttered, still in shock. "Anyway who are you? and what are you doing in our Mom's studio?" I continued asking questions.

"Your moms studio? This is our studio. Trust me. The grand piano is new... and... and...and MY COUCH!" He dove into the pull out couch against the wall. "Why are there decorative pillows on my couch?" He asked.

"Can you give them one second without shoving a cross in their face?" I took the cross out of her hand.

"Guys what is going on? how did she get her stuff in here so fast?" He walked back over to his friends. "Maybe...maybe they are witches. There's chairs floating on the ceiling." The one in the leather jacket finally spoke. "Okay, there are no such thing as witches." The blonde one spoke some sense into him. "You sure? I used to think there was no such thing as ghosts!" they started arguing. "That's... that's fair." He gave in. "Okay, so we're going with witches?" the one in the middle asked. "No! We are not going with witch!" Blondie slapped his arm. "They are not witches, Ok, look they are just scared. Okay? Let someone with a softer touch handle this." He continued speaking

"Why are you in our studio?" he practically yelled at us.

"This isn't you're studio" I yelled back, Julie pushed me aside grabbing the cross from my hand trying to hit him with hit, She failed as her hand just passed through him. "Huh? How did you do that?" she freaked out.

"Clearly, they aren't understanding... they don't get it" he turned around to the two other boys nodding in agreement. "Okay, look.  We're ghosts, all right? We're just three ghost and we're really happy to be home." he kept trying to explain. "So thank you for the flowers, they really brighten up the room. Thank you for the mattress, we will make him sleep on the floor." He pointed to my mattress tilted against the doors then to the one in the leather jacket.

Minor Inconvenience -Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now