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I just sat there hugging Julie tightly as she cried in my arms. Suddenly Kelli and Flynn came into the studio. "Do you mind if Julie and I talk for just a minute?" Flynn asked. "Yea, of course." I grabbed my backpack and headed outside with Kelli.

"You okay?" she asked me. "Yea, I'm fine. How's stuff at your house going?" I asked, changing the subject. "Everything is good. I was able to convince my parents to let me stay! They said 'We made a mistake not letting Luke follow his dreams, so we want to let you follow yours.'" I turned around and saw Luke looking confused. "Come on lets go to school, I'll meet you at my car. I'm gonna wait for these girls." I smiled.

"What was she talking about? With her parents?" Luke asked. "I don't know? Her parents were going to pull her out of the music program, but her older brother passed away before she was adopted and he liked music so her parents were cautious." I explained.

After School

"It was worth a shot, one way or another we are going to get you back into that music program." I walked up the steps with Julie.

"What are you guys doing in my room!" Julie yelled, I slightly chuckled at Reggie who was making snow angels on Julie's bed. "I- Um..." They all looked at each other trying to figure out an answer.

"We were looking for the kitchen?" Luke came up with a sad excuse. "This...This can't happen. It's creepy." I defended Julie. "Get off my bed please." She asked Reggie. we threw our heavy backpacks on the bed. "Hey, Julie." Luke raised his hand. "Yes?" She nodded. "What's in the box?" he pointed to a nicely decorated box on her shelf. "That's off limits." she became visibly uncomfortable. "I'm so happy this isn't my room." I fell back on the bed.

"Don't worry we already went through your room." Reggie smiled. "What!" I sat up. "Yea who's Michael? he sends you a lot of letters." Alex said. "That, is a conversation for another day." I sighed lying back down. " So it's a boyfriend." Alex nodded thinking he understood what was going on. "No, he is not. box!" I pointed changing the subject.

"Yea what's in the box?" Luke asked again. "Off limits." Julie repeated herself. "Oh. Oh, OK. Girl stuff." He laughed uncomfortably. "Oh, like butterflies and glitter?" Reggie asked. "Oh, come on. I'm sorry about them." Alex apologized. "It's none of your business. And yes, there might be some glitter." Julie rolled her eyes.

"Hey! I actually picked something up." Alex smiled immediately dropping the frame. "Be careful with that." I grabbed the frame from my feet. "Is that your guys mom?" Luke asked. "Yes and it's my favorite picture of us. So if you break it, I'll break you." She got angry. "Careful boys you've angered the beast." I handed Julie the photo. "Sorry." They all said in unison.

"I don't get it. You guys can mess up her bed, pick up your instruments, but you can't pick up other stuff?" I asked them. "I know right it's hard. but for some reason, our instruments, easy." Luke shrugged. "Yeah, like supper easy. Oh and check out what I learned today." Reggie stood up to be crushed by his bass. I started laughing uncontrollably. "Sorry." I apologized "Val, you've barely laughed like this since mom passed, this is huge." Julie hugged me. "Yay! Tina." Reggie stood up. "Call me Tina one more time, I'll find a way to break your face Reginald." I became serious again. "Anyway, it's like I always thought, Our instruments are attached to our souls." Luke grew a big grin.

"Hey, I thought I heard you laughing." My dad walked in. Yea, Julie just told me a funny story." I made up an excuse. "Well I'm happy to see you smiling again." He chuckled "So what's up?" Julie asked. "Nothing, just heard you guys laughing, wanted to make sure you were okay." he left.

Minor Inconvenience -Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now