A Sighting, A Meeting and a competition/gala # 2 #

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Marinette took a breather as soon as she was inside her home, throughout the appointment, Mr.Wayne kept staring at her.

It was making her uneasy, that she was making eye signal/languages, and if Alfred -the man insisted on calling him that- and Mr.Wayne -She refuses to call Mr.Wayne, Bruce that's far too casually- hand signals.

At the Order guardian that we're in the room. And they always reply with a shrug or their eye signals. She shook her head out of the thoughts on work.

And took her shoes, Damian's competition was tomorrow and the Wayne Gala will be held on the same night. That said even if her Damian didn't win.

He can still come to said Gala, as an official guest, with him being her son. And then a reminder on her phone rang, And she slapped herself.

As the slap just have been loud when she did it because it alarmed the very pregnant -only 4 months and she was ready to burst- Ondine "Marinette is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me how was the day Ondine, and where Kim and Rogue," Marinette asked as she went to the kitchen and boiled water. "They're downstairs in the basement with Kim teaching Rogue flips and don't worry there doing it with safety mats, and Rogue wearing a helmet," Ondine said as she sat down.

"So what happened, I only saw you do that face when there something wrong, and please tell me it's a guy, I been dying for a girl to girl talk. And Chloe isn't here to supply that, so you're the best bet" the pregnant woman said.

Raising a perfectly curved brow, Marinette poured the boiling water into a teapot with herbal tea and poured two cups of it, one cup for her and one for the very pregnant lady.

"Okay? I do have a problem and the problem is indeed a guy" Marinette enunciated the words slowly, as the redhead jaws drop "Shut up! Are you telling me, Workaholic, Marinette has boy problems, girl what are you watching for start talking already" the redhead all but demanded in anticipation.

And of course, took a sip of her tea "Okay so you know. I had an appointment for the Wayne Gala tomorrow, the night right,    with Alfred Pennyworth of Wayne Manor, well he wasn't exactly alone in meeting me, Mr. Wayne decided to join us, Unfortunately" if Ondine was sipping tea at the minute, which out down a few seconds ago and grab some biscuits Marinette presented -God she can't get enough of the Dupain-Cheng cooking goods-

She was sure to spit out, instead, she choked in the biscuits she was currently devouring, Marinette was about to get to her side before the redhead held up her hand and drank her tea.

Which helped the food go down "You met Brice Wayne and thought it was Unfortunate, girl are you sure it was Bruce Wayne, cause I saw a photo of the man in a magazine, and if wasn't married and so in love with Kim. I would be one of his crazy obsession fangirls so why.

You Marinette Dupain-Cheng, company owner : Co-owner: famous designer under the name Red mask of the Black Fate company finds it unfortunate to meet the drool-worthy Bruce Wayne" Marinette just rolled her eyes at that.

It was true the man handsome -greek God handsome-, but his actions made the questionable with that playboy tendency of his. She didn't even wanna think about it.

"I dunno, throughout the entire appointment, the food testing/choosing, Alfred testing the server in their manners and how to act to a guest. Throughout the entire ordeal, he kept staring at me and sometimes talks with me, it's normal to talk I know.

But sometimes it kinda gets personal, do you he asked me if I was single----" before the ravenette can be finished her rant she was cut off.

"Wait, he asked you if you were single, well what did you say?" Ondine was like a child at Christmas with her expression.

As Marinette was about to answer, she was once again cut off, this time by her youngest yelling "Mommy, mommy I did a carwtwheel's today, and uncle Kim said he was teacwhing me how to do a cartwheel, but I said I wanted to learn fliwps, so he said he'll teach me -yawn- when I'm older" the adults chuckled at the child who was fighting to stay awake.

"How 'bout a nap first my little mischief-maker, then you can tell me all about it kay" despite the protest -albeit a weak protest-, Marinette carried her youngest to his bedroom.

Seeing the clear avoidance of Marinette not wanting to talk about the earlier crisis, Ondine said in a whisper, but still can be heard by the slow retreating woman.

"We are not done discussing this Nettie, you hear me and I will drag you to talk with me push' and shoving if I have to." Marinette merely waved a lazy hand and replied: "If Damian back tells him to meet me in my workroom."

Kim who was ravaging through the cupboards and finally found some chips Marinette hid was carefully listening to their conversation "What we're talking about earlier" Kim asked his wife mouthful of chips

"Nothing you big monkey" and got some few chips for herself. Ummm, yum Barbecue flavor.


Meanwhile in Wayne Manor Bruce was looking up everything on Marinette Dupain-Cheng. In his study for privacy and silence.

Mostly for silence Jason and Dick thought it was a nice idea to add a game system in the Batcave for fun. They have a perfectly soundproof game room for that reason.

"It seems Ms. Marinette is not all brains and beauty, but quite into sports as well" Alfred commented as he watched along with Bruce as a tiny 7-year-old Marinette crossed a finish line.

"You made quite the catch Master Bruce, but it seems your problem may not lay in her parents, but on them", Alfred once again commented as two pictures showed on the screen of the large t.v in the study room.

A picture of a Damian Dupain-Cheng scowling in front of the camera, complete with information. 10 or 11 years old it seems.

And a picture of a Rogue Keir Dupain-Cheng, smiling with one teeth missing in front, 3 or 4 years of age.

"Well good luck to you sir" Alfred then left the room to prepare dinner. While Bruce was left in the room once again. Contemplating.

"Good luck to me indeed" he muttered to himself as he watched another video of a young Marinette -still tiny- defeat a boy older and bigger than her on what seems to be a fighting tournament.


Right and CUTTTTTTT......

Hello, my darling rosebuds this update took longer expected cause my brain was drained, and I hoped this doesn't insult someone's feeling out there.

But I.Freaking.Hate.In.Seven.Hell.Math

My brain feels like it would explode from solving all those equations and problems.

But anyway hope you enjoy these chapter.

I 💮💮💮💮 am out- lots of 💓💓 and stay safe my rosebuds

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