Chapter 1

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Hey guys it's Sarah here, if you didn't know. This isn't my first story, but I hope it will be my first completed story. If you have any questions feel free to ask and please comment, I would love to know what you guys think of this story. I have worked really hard on it. Above is Indigo Mills, who is the narrator of the story. This book is humorous mystery. Enjoy!
I guess you could say I didn't believe in all the bullshittery that was told to me when Wendy Warsaw killed herself. Now I bet you are wondering, why the hell don't you believe a girl could kill herself? It's not that I don't believe a girl can kill herself, its that I don't believe she could kill herself. Now trust me when I say that I believe this, but yet have not heard anyone say this, I believe everyone is capable of everything, under the right circumstances and situations. Well she wasn't capable of suicide because she wasn't in the right situation. Let's say Wendy and her family weren't fiscally challenged and being the most popular girl in school, she was never bullied. She was too nice anyways to be talked about. She wasn't considered a "slut" and she wasn't "gossipy." She was one of those perfect people. But clearly someone hated her to want to kill her. Whoa back up there Indigo! Someone killed her! How did you get to that conclusion?! Well I know that she didn't kill herself so someone had to kill her.

"Indigo! Dinner!" My mom yelled.

"Coming!" I replied.

Dinner was my favorite time because mom cooked, and let's be real, no matter how hard your dad tried, his food would never taste as good as mom's. I ran down the stairs ready to be served my bowl of heaven a.k.a beef stew. I slurped that thing done as if I was gonna die tomorrow. Too soon? After I was done I cleaned up and went back upstairs. I flew onto my bed and wished I could stay in the clouds I called my bed. After Wendy died, people were weird at school. I mean yeah, what I said before about her wasn't necessarily true, people did envy her, but she never really cared. But the people who did envy her even felt sad. Such fucking posers. At least I don't act like I was affected too much, I mean yeah, I felt bad for her parents and her. But it wasn't like she was in any pain or anything, I mean she had been missing for 2 months before they found her and in all that time I don't think she was partying all night with Miley Cyrus. Take that as you wish.
But besides that school became even more depressing, if that were even possible. Sad people everywhere, even some people who didn't even talk to her at all were sad and mourning. How can you mourn for someone you never really knew? Sometimes I feel like those people would feel bad if they were to walk into school high and dandy, so that's why they act sad. I just walked into school normal, I mean I guess her being my neighbor since forever I could be upset, but we never really talked, except when we were little. We were those childhood best friends that everyone had and then they fall out. But enough about being depressed because I'm the bad ass kid at school and we have tough skin. Which is not true because I do cry, and I did cry when they found her dead. No teenager should have to go through that. Nobody should actually. But let's get back to being normal. I loved mystery books, so when I got the notice of Wendy I had to solve this one. I guess you could say I was a meddler, but I couldn't help it, it's in my nature to meddle. I walked into my bathroom to get ready to sleep. I wasn't one of those girls who had 603 steps to get ready before I sleep. I was way too tired to ever do that much work. I'd rather not bore you with the details of how I get ready because I do what just about every person does. As soon as I was finished my phone notified me that I had a text.

Twinkle Butt-
Hey what's up?

Twinkle Butt was my one and only friend. His real name was Matt, but I called him Twinkle Butt because when he was younger he was always worried that his butt wasn't clean enough, that it didn't have that twinkle. He watched too much cartoons as a kid.

Just off to rob a bank

Twinkle Butt-
Nice, tell me how that goes

What's up with you?

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