001; introduction of vampire face

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It was a Monday morning.

Dylan was in a bad mood, as you could imagine.

The Cheerios were practicing as she walked next to the football field. Sue Sylvester, the coach of the cheerleading squad (otherwise known as "The Cheerios") and a ruthless bully to both students and faculty members watched her squad cheer, in agony at (what she would deem as) an atrocity. She was kinda nuts, and only cared about winning trophies, which explained why she had the cheerleaders practicing three hours before school started.

Dylan stood still, her eyes landing on who stood at the very top of the perfect pyramid of Cheerios. Quinn Fabray, captain of the cheerleading squad, queen bee. Dating quarterback Finn Hudson, most popular guy in school— he lacked brain cells, that's what Dylan quickly figured out.

She let out a huff, before she began walking again.

It was a hot day, and skateboarding in the scorching heat on a forty minute trip to school didn't make for the most flattering appearance. Her shoulder length, black hair was tattered, her "baby hairs" sticking every which way, and her pale cheeks were flushed pink. She wore her usual black hoodie, which didn't do her much good in the heat, the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Around her eyes were darkened, due to makeup being poorly removed, and her old backpack hung loosely from both her shoulders.

The hallways were cold, which Dylan was, for once, happy about. Looking quite suspicious, she stopped next to the teachers lounge, carefully spying through the small window in the door. When she was sure no one was in there, she slipped into the room, slowly closing the door so it wouldn't slam shut.

Opening the fridge, her eyes scanned all the shelves shoving a few things that looked edible into her mostly empty backpack, being careful not to touch Ms. Pillsbury's lunch box (she wasn't that bad). She flung the fridge shut, looking behind her shoulder before exiting out the other door she hadn't entered through.

McKinley High sucked, but she might as well took what it gave her.

After doing that, she found a spot to sit in the back corner of the library, and took a seat on the floor, sitting cross-legged with her backpack on her legs. She unzipped it, her hand rummaging through it as she looked up, and across the many shelves that she had hidden behind. Taking out the Louisa May Alcott novel little women, she read as she munched on one of Mr. Schuester's cookies.

Her days were long, and usually started like this. Before you make the decision to judge her prematurely, this point must be made. She didn't particularly enjoy stealing. She did feel guilty about it, but Mr. Schue could afford more cookies, and Coach Tanaka could make another sandwich.

The way she saw it, life's tough, and sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to survive. So she pushed the guilt down, and moved on with her day.

After hearing the deafening chatter of students finally filing into the school corridors, Dylan stood, and walked through the large group of teenagers, her stone cold eyes staring straight ahead as she stormed up the corridor.

"Looking good, vampire face."

"Oh, you'd be so lucky, Puckerman," she snapped as she passed by a group of jocks, all surrounding ringleader Noah Puckerman: football player and bully, frequently throwing fellow students into dumpsters and tossing slushies in their faces. You know, highschool stuff. He also had a few quite interesting names for Dylan. Vampire face, that you've already heard, also pasty, Casper and so on so forth. He was quite creative, as you can see.

She didn't like Puckerman, you could only imagine why.

She slowed down slightly when she passed by the bulletin board, where two other freshmen stood. Tina Cohen-Chang and Artie Abrams had become close friends in the short time since they had started highschool, and it was quite obvious to everyone (but Tina) that Artie had a teeny crush on the gothic girl.

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