002; dylan welcomes finn to the real world

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Dylan stood by her locker.

Which just so happened to be across from where Finn and Quinn were having an argument about him joining glee club. Glee club was certainly the centre of a lot of peoples arguments and attention this week.

"People think you're gay now, Finn. And you know what that makes me? Your big gay beard."

It took her a minute to realise she hadn't been the only one eavesdropping on the conversation. Rachel Berry stood at her own locker, her head slightly turned as she listened to the couple bicker.

"Subtle", Dylan rolled her eyes.

After Finn made a lame excuse to leave, Quinn finally took notice of Rachel, her eyes narrowing, as they always did when the brunette was around her. Dylan leaned her back against the row of lockers, preparing for some type of drama to get her out of her bad, morning mood.

"Eavesdrop much?" Quinn said loudly, catching Rachel's attention. "Time for some girl talk, man hands. You can dance with him, you can sing with him, but you will never have him."

"I understand why you'd be threatened. Finn and I have made a connection, but I'm an honourable person. I don't need to steal your man. I have plenty of suitors of my own."

"Yeah, Quinnie, no need to be jealous of the glee clubs great success," Dylan sarcastically said, her input in the conversation causing Quinn's eyebrows to furrow slightly. Clearly, Rachel didn't catch the sarcasm.

"Exactly. Everyday glee status is going up, and yours is going down. Deal with it," Rachel finally said, a proud smile on her face as she took a few small steps backwards.

When she finally turned around, she was met with two blueberry slushies to the face.

Dylan scoffed as she watched Puck and another footballer high five, clearly praising themselves for their tormenting. Then, she turned to look at Quinn, "do you seriously find this funny?" By then, Rachel had already ran off to clean herself of the humiliation, leaving only Dylan to question Quinn's amusement.

Quinn looked across to Dylan in mild confusion, perhaps trying to figure out how such a nobody had the audacity to oppose her. Before she could give an answer, if she would even wish to give one with the chance, Dylan had already bolted.


The next morning, Dylan found herself in the teacher's lounge yet again. Letting out a guilt-ridden sigh, she stuffed the few things she'd stolen into her backpack and zipped it up. As she threw the bag over her shoulders, she turned on her heals, and gasped once she saw she wasn't the only one in the room.

"It was you," Mr. Schuester said in realisation. Dylan's mouth dropped open, and her first instinct was to bolt for the back door, the one Mr. Schue hadn't been blocking her pathway from.

She soon found out it had been locked.

Pushing away her thoughts of fear and her nerves, she turned to face Mr. Schue, her signature stone cold facial expression activated, as she waited for his next instruction. He looked like a deer in headlights, not much clue on how he should next act Dylan soon realised, his eyes widened in surprise.

"So, you gonna report me to Figgins?" She snapped, though her anger clearly forced. Behind the tough exterior, Dylan was in full blown panic mode, her mind racing to figure out some way to get out of this.

But there's wasn't anything she could do.

She had no control. Dylan didn't like that.

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