The Morning After

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Toni's POV
"Ugh my head is killing me." I say to my self slowly sitting up then realizing I'm not in my bed, I turn and see Charlotte asleep next to me. "Oh my god I had sex with Sasha's best friend!" I think to myself before gently shaking Charlotte. "Dude wake up." I say to her and she turns towards me. "What Toni? Wait a minute TONI?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED?!" She says in a loud shocked tone. "Well its obvious, we slept with each other since we're both fucking naked!" I say to her before I hear a knock on the door. "Uh are you gonna get the door or?!" I ask Charlotte and she shakes her head. "I'm naked without the blanket and so are you, I'm not getting the door." She said and I roll my eyes. "Drunk me seen you naked already so if hung over me sees you it's really nothing but just get a robe from your bathroom and get the door it's your room for fucks sake." I say to her and she rolls her eyes as she got up and entered her bathroom putting on a robe then went over to the door and opened it. "How can I help you?" Charlotte said and Rhea plucked her forehead. "Quite down, we already heard you guys doing your thing didn't think it would be with Toni but I sure as hell don't need to know the aftermath plus your shouting is gonna wake my precious sleeping angel Sasha, so please shut the hell up, put some clothes on and help me clean up downstairs?" Rhea said and Charlotte nodded and shut the door. "Guess we had fun last night." I say with a smirk and Charlotte tossed my bra at me. "Get dressed you're helping me and Rhea clean since her precious Sasha is sleep." Charlotte said to me and walked into the bathroom. "God she's hot." I say to myself.

Rhea's POV
I head downstairs and start putting the cups in a garbage bag along with other things considered trash for a good while alone and after a few minutes later Toni and Charlotte come downstairs and began helping me clean the huge house. "How nice of you two love birds to help me." I say in a joking tone and Toni glances at me. "I hate you dude." Toni said to me as we were nearly done cleaning. Charlotte shook her head in disappointment. "You guys argue like you're married, are you?" Charlotte asked us both jokingly and got a look of disgust from me. "Toni's pretty and all but I'd never marry her she's my childhood best friend that's just nasty." I say and Charlotte pats Toni's back. "Better luck next time Storm." Charlotte said. "Maybe we can get married Charlotte." Toni said to her with a smirk and Charlotte patted her head. "I slept with you, just once. Don't push it." Charlotte said.

Narrators POV
As the three girls finished cleaning up the house Toni and Rhea took the full garbage bags out to Charlotte's garage can, it was around 10 am so Charlotte made something for them to eat, Sasha came downstairs yawning. "Morning Sash." Charlotte said to her and Sasha waved. "Morning Char, how's your morning? Cause I know for a fact your night was magical." Sasha said with a smirk and Rhea and Toni walked back into the house. "Hey short stack." Rhea said to Sasha and pecked her lips. "Sup Banks." Toni said and Sasha looked at her. "Hey, nice hickies. Did Charlotte give them to you?" Sasha said raising an eyebrow and Toni looked at Charlotte who turned and walked over to the fridge. "So um who uh who wants apple juice?" Charlotte said trying to change the subject. "I'm good, I actually have somewhere to be but you guys down to hang out later on?" Toni asked and they nodded their heads. "Alright I'll text you guys later, oh and Charlotte call me." Toni said and headed out to door. "You guys are really cute together." Sasha said with a smirk. "Oh shut up Sasha or else I'll pour bleach in your water." Charlotte said and shut the fridge door. "This is gonna be a long day..." Rhea said and walked away.

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