I think I love you..

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A/N this will be interesting but not long

Narrator and Toni's POV
It's currently a Friday morning in school and Rhea and I are in the science lab alone so I take the opportunity to talk to her alone. "Hey dude can we talk, it's uh important" Toni said to Rhea. "Yeah what's up?" Rhea asked her and Toni sat down in front of Rhea. "Ok so, I know we've been friends for the longest of time and I've come to realize that I'm actually in love with you and I should've said something sooner but I just didn't know how..." Toni said and received a strange look from Rhea. "So this whole time, we've been best friends, you feel in love with me and decide to tell me now?! What the actual fuc-" Rhea got cut off by an unexpected kiss from Toni. Sasha walked past the science lab to go meet up with Charlotte but was surprised to see Rhea and Toni kissing, it was there she realized she was in love with Rhea and her heart shattered into a million pieces. "Why me!?" Sasha said to herself before storming out of the school. Rhea pulled away from the kiss. "Toni what was that for?!" She asked her and Toni shook her head "I'm sorry this was a whole mistake." Toni said and walked out the lab leaving Rhea there alone as every thought rushed into her head.

Sasha sat in her and called Charlotte stating that it's an emergency and that she's in her car, soon after that call was made Charlotte walked over to Sasha car and got in. "What's wrong sweetie" Charlotte said looking at Sasha as tears ran down her face. "Silly me got my heartbroken by someone I wasn't even in a relationship with" Sasha said laughing a little while crying and Charlotte hugged her. "What happened Sash?" Charlotte asked Sasha. "So I was walking past the science lab and saw Toni and Rhea kissing and I thought Rhea liked me but guess I was wrong or maybe she does but she loves Toni but my heart really hurts after seeing that." Sasha said crying into Charlottes shoulder. "Sasha listen, I'm sure the kiss meant nothing, they're best friends but you shouldn't be crying over Rhea that's way below the Sasha I know be the boss bitch I know you can be, pull yourself together and show Rhea what she could've had or don't whichever you prefer." Charlotte said wiping the tears from Sasha's cheeks and Sasha smiled. "You're amazing Charlotte, thank you!" She said hugging Charlotte.

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