Spring Break, Travel To Another State

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A/N: lord we're close to the end!! Sorry for not updating. Will be some smut so if you aren't fine with it skip the second narrators pov and go straight to the second POV of Rhea.

Sasha's POV
Spring break has begun and it's literally a month till we graduate, me and the girls plan on spending our two weeks of spring break at a little resort in Hawaii, crazy cause we're all 18 but Charlotte's dad had it all covered. We all met at Charlotte's house since her dad was taking us to the airport. "Sash, you brought your camera right?" Charlotte asked me and I nodded as we put our suitcases in the trunk of the car. "Hawaii here we come!" I say excited as I put my last bag into the car and getting in. "Are you guys ready?" Ric asked us and we all nod. "Sasha, Rhea, Toni and I are all set I believe and ready to go." Charlotte says and her father nodded and began driving. "So what's the little ship name for you and Toni?" I ask and looks at the two. "Choni since Tarlotte sounds dumb as hell" Toni said and Charlotte shrugs. "Not one for ship names but I like that one." Charlotte said with smile. "Sasha and I haven't come up with one yet." Rhea said and Toni blurted out "Ranks!" and we laughed. "I'm not sure about that one." I say and Toni sighs then Charlotte chimed in. "Rasha isn't too bad." She said and I shook my head. "Me and Rhea don't need a little couple name." I say.

Narrators POV
The drive continued and the girls talked until they made it to the airport and exited the car and went to the trunk to get their bags. The four girls got their things and made their way into the airport, went through security and boarded their plane. Since Ric payed for the girls trip they were seated in first class. "Jesus Christ Charlotte your dad is amazing! Is he looking for another child??" Rhea asked and Sasha punched her. "I'm right here what the fuck!" Sasha said angrily and Rhea looked at her. "For starters OW! And secondly I didn't mean it like that babe." Rhea said before a flight attendant began speaking and telling them to buckle up. It was going to be a long flight there. 17 hours went by and the girls arrived to their destination, they exited the plane with their things. "Hey I'll be back I need to use the bathroom." Toni said and ran to the women's bathroom to relieve herself. "The next few days will definitely be amazing not to mention my outfits will be amazing." Sasha said and Rhea nodded. "She legit packed several different swimsuits for each day same with her outfits, not to mention she's not a great swimmer so she'll just be on the beach drinking whatever she can find." Rhea said as Toni returned to the group. "Alright children let's go to our hotel, unpack and rest." Charlotte said and the three girls nodded. The group made their way to the hotel and checked in and made it up to their rooms which were right across the hall from each other.

Toni's POV
"I've never been so excited to see a bed!" I say dropping my suitcase and bag then jumping onto the bed. "I expect that behavior from Sasha not really you." Charlotte said to me and I shrug. "I've been awake on that plane for 17 hours and my body is in need of this bed" I say and she shakes her head as she begins putting our things away. "Char, you didn't have to put my things away. I would've done it...at some point." I say and she chuckles. "Exactly why I did it now, I'm sure for the next days it would still be in the suitcase." She said to me and I roll my eyes. "I'm taking a nap a very very long nap." I say to Charlotte as I take off my shoes, socks and pants. "But it's 6:40 in the afternoon." She says to me and I look at her. "So?! What does that have to do with me and my sleep?" I ask and she rolls her eyes. "I don't know how I deal with you, I really don't." Charlotte says as she sits on the bed. "You love me that's the main reason why you deal with me." I say as I move closer to her. "Yeah yeah whatever go to sleep Toni." She said to me. "Hmph fine." I say with a frown and she gave me a look. "You said you were going to take a nap, so take your nap, I'll lay with you after I shower." Charlotte said and I smile. "Well hurry and shower I wanna cuddle and sleep." I say to her and she gets up with a smile. She took a pretty quick shower then joined me in bed wearing a T-shirt of mine and a pair of black shorts. "Guess I'm sleeping too." She said to me as she laid next to me and began to cuddle me.

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