NOT a chapter: quirk explanations

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Yami's Quirk 

Quirk: Mind Manipulation

Explanation: Yami can control what happens in the mind (thoughts, can see memories, emotions, emotional pain, senses) there the things he can manipulate. He can also communicate with a person through there thoughts so he can say/think something and they would be able to hear it within there head but t they can also say something back within there head and Yami would still hear it. To activate his quirk he has to make eye contact with the person/people he is using it on.

Drawbacks: He can only control 3 people at once 5 at max limit. When controlling multipule people it takes up more of his energy so it is easier to control 1 person. If used for too long he starts to suffer from migraines and nose bleeds  his time limit is 1 hour 1.5 hours. He can only control people in his eye site but can vary on his stamina and energy at the time. Because Yami can see into somebodies past and sees it perspective when he looks into there past for too long he can start to feel the pain that they would have felt but without receiving any injures. When he is looking at somebodies past he can't move and cannot take in what is happening around him so he never dose it when he is on a mission alone.  

Extra info: As you all know Yami is transgender ftm (female to male) he has had top surgery and is on testosterone. 

Mikuo's Quirk

Quirk: Phoenix

Explanation: His quirk allows him to light his wings on fire and hold the fire that he creates with his hands to use as projectiles. He also has bird-like tendencies such as collecting shiny items, has retractable black talons, enhanced eyesight and hearing. His wings are naturally black. Unlike his younger brother he cant telepathically control his feathers or sharpen them to use as weapons. His fighting style ranges from physical to long ranged, he prefers long ranged attacks as he is more confident with his fire.  

Drawbacks: If he is on fire for too long he quickly becomes overheated and is prone to passing out when that happens. His body temperature drops after using his fire and it can take him up to five hours to regain it. He has also lost most nerve receptors in his hands from the constant fire use age when he was young this has also caused him to have small burns there. When he is under bright intense lights or there is a lot of noise he gets intense migraines.


So we have a new character for you he is one of the villains in the league of villains his name is Katsou Todoroki he is twins with Natsou Todoroki but he ran away with Touya (aka Dabi) his villain nave is Dasi (Literally only because it is I sad backwards like Dabi is I bad backwards) He has quite a few mental problems but they will be explained later on. 

Quirk: icehot

Explanation: It is the same as Shoto Todoroki's quirk but his iceaz\ is black making it more dangerous when it coated over the floor and his fire is white making it hotter than normal fire and hotter than Dabi's fire. He can also use his quirk on both sides not just left or right.

Drawbacks: He gets permanent frostbit up his arms but also gets burns from his fire.

Appearance: He looks like Natsou but with his scares and his hair was red with white streaks but he dyed his hair black with red faded tips. He normally where's jeans that can be easily moved around in with a plain black top and a black hoodie.

Endeavor didn't know what Katsou's quirk was he thought Katsou was quirkless but he still got abused and trained up until he ran away as Endeavor wanted to see if he was a late boomer.

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