Uh oh why am i writing this idk

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Just know that I am not at all very political so most of this isn't even true. So yeah. Except we all can't ignore the sexual tension between Trump and Biden 🤭😳

Biden's POV

I go outside and see Barack. "What is it?" I ask. We then start talking and talking. We make it to his house. His family was home so they invited me for dinner. They were super kind.

After a few hours I leave his house. I then get a call. The caller id said Trump. I ignore it and go to my house. It's quiet. I sigh and make myself something to eat.

I go to sleep. I didn't see Donald for the next week. I decided to ignore him. I saw on his Twitter that he was talking shit. Whatever.

I decided to go out on Twitter. 'If I win, I will make cat girls real' I sent out the tweet. I got so many people applauding me. Yeah I'm the good guy not trump. He wants to kill all of these people. Hell no. Fucking closeted bitch.

Next thing I know I'm pulled back into my house and get slammed on the wall. My pants are unzipped. "Donal?" I ask.

"Shut up," He said as he unzipped my pants and....

(I'll leave the rest up to your imagination)

After that Donald pulls me onto my house. His tongue in my mouth. Both of us fighting fighting for dominance. And yeah I'll leave the rest up to your imagination.


I can write a 1,000+ word essay with as much details as I need. I have the evidence all sorted out. I have the talent to write. But I do shit like this. Suddenly I'm Jared, 19. But I hope you all suffered just as much as I did while writing this. Also why do I write this Idk. Should I be writing this? No. Am I going to jail for writing this? Yes!

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