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•≈Chapter 1Titans≈•

•(Y/n) POV•
"(Y/n)!" Eren yelled as I ran over. "We were just looking for you." He smiled and I chuckled. "Sorry, I got a little held up." I explained, gently rubbing my scarred arm.

I have a few scars but they always heal Black. I don't know why, but people don't come near me because of them. 

"Come on, let's go!" Eren said as he grabbed my arm and dragged me behind him.

I kept up with him but he didn't let go of my arm. It was comforting that someone didn't care about my scars. My parents hated me for it, they abandoned me when I was five. 

I don't care though, I'm better without them. "(Y/n), there you are." Mikasa said and I waved. 

"Hey Mikasa. Are they here?" I asked, referring to the Scout Regiment. She nodded.

I grew excited and tried to look over the crowd but to no avail. I saw a clump of wooden crates off to the side. 

I looked to Eren and pointed to the Crates, he nodded and we both climbed on top of them. 

And there they were, the Scout Regiment. They were amazing, one of them looked my way but immediately looked back down. 

I thought it was my scars at first but then I saw the horrified looks on the faces of the other Regiment members.

 I also noticed that there were a lot less, I overheard a few people talking about how the others got killed. 

A woman then ran in front of them asking where her son was, a man handed her something wrapped in a bloody rag. She opened it and it was an severed arm.

"That's all that was left of him. I'm sorry." The Captain said and I looked at the now crying woman sadly. After a while the Regiment left and the crowd cleared. 

I had to drag Eren away after hitting a guy in the head with a stick. Mikasa took him and I let her sort that out. 

After that happened, I helped Eren pick up the kindling and walked back to their house with them. 

"Hello (Y/n), good to see you again." Eren's mom smiled and I nodded. 

"Pleasure to see you again as well, Mrs. Jeager." I smiled, I'm pretty polite whenever I'm around peoples parents for some reason. 

After a while I decided to go, I said goodbye to Eren and Mikasa and then left. I sat at the edge of a river which  no one went to very often, well, except Me, Mikasa, Eren, and Armin. 

There weren't very many houses here either. It was perfect for when I wanted to get away from people. I laid on the grass and took a deep breath. 

Why am I like this? Did I do something wrong?' 

I then heard a faint yell, it sounded like someone was yelling, "Eren!" His mom was yelling after him. 

Eren? What did he do? 

I ran in the direction of the yelling and saw him running, I ran after him and saw Mikasa trailing behind me. 

We kept chasing after him and eventually saw Armin getting beat by a few guys. They brought up their fists and got ready to hit Eren.

 But they saw Mikasa and I so they ran. "When did you get here (Y/n)?" Eren asked and I shrugged. "I heard your mom yell after you." I explained as Armin got up. 

"You alright?" I asked as I rushed to him since he stumbled a bit. "Yeah. Fine." He said and stood.


We were back at the river I was just at, I was laying down with my leg dangling off the side of a block of stone. 

I closed my eyes and blocked everything out, the others were probably talking about whatever happened earlier.

I was brought out of my peace by a huge shake in the ground that caused me and the others to fly up. "Ow!" I yelped as I fell. I held my head and looked to my friends.

"What the hell was that!" I thought out loud and saw people rushing to the Wall. "The Wall! Let's Go!" I yelled as we all ran to the wall. 

Everyone was Horrified by the sight of a Titan peering over the top of the Wall. "That's impossible! That wall is 50 Meters! No Titan has been able to see past it!" A random man from the crowd yelled. 

The Titan then kicked the Gate, completely obliterating it. I was terrified as I watched other people get hit by boulders and Debris. 

Eren and Mikasa suddenly ran forward, I tried to follow them but was pushed back by the crowd. I soon found myself running from a Titan. 

I'm going to die.

The only thought in my mind. I yelled and punched the hand of the Titan that picked me up.

"WAIT!" I yelled and he actually did. "Put me down?" I said and he proceeded to put me down. "Did you just understand me?" I asked and he nodded. 

"You did speak to me." He said and I nearly fell over in shock. "I can talk—I can talk to Titans. And they can talk to me!" I thought out loud as I paced around. 

"What is going—ON!" I yelped as he picked up once again. "We've got to go!" He said and started walking. After we were outside of the wall, I was in awe of outside. 

It was beautiful. "This is what's outside the wall? It's so pretty." I said under my breath. 

We then proceeded to go through the forest. I was met with tons of Titans, but I was still pretty scared of them however.

"You're back—What's with the human?" A female one asked pointing to me. "I-I'm (Y/n)." I stuttered in fear of them eating me once the Titan set me down. 

"Did she just talk to us?" The same one asked in shock as the others were also just as confused. They weren't actually as scary as they seem. They were actually pretty nice. 

I learned all their names and learned that I can also turn into a Titan. I look like a bigger version of myself but with pointed ears and my entire eyes are pitch black. 

I still had my (h/l) (h/c) hair but I can't exactly die however. 

If a limb gets cut off, a replacement made out of black mass will appear and I can use it like a normal limb. 

If you cut the nape of my neck, it just makes me angry. The Black mass with surround my body and I look like a shadow with glowing (F/c) eyes. 

•Eren POV•
I shot up from my realistic dream and saw Mikasa right next to me. She told me they were handing out rations, I nodded and followed her out. 

We were met with Armin coming back with pieces of bread for each of us. "Where's (Y/n)?" I asked as I took the bread. 

Both of them stayed silent. "Well?" I asked confused on why they weren't answering.

"She wasn't on the ship. We haven't seen her, we think she's dead." Mikasa said quietly, quieter than normal.

"What?" I breathed out, my eyes stinging with tears. 

My best friend, (Y/n)....Dead...No. She wouldn't die, not so easily! Right?!

Tears started coming out of my eyes. I loved her, and now she's gone. The Titans took two people I loved most! I'll kill all of them!

•≈End of Chapter 1≈•

{Shadow and Light} Eren X Titan shifter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now