Chapter 2

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Pov Naomi

''Holy shit, look at how big this stuffed animal is!'' My brother shrieked while he takes the giant panda bear from the shelves at Walmart.

I laugh and roll my eyes, ''i can't believe i am the one that is 19 instead of 24,'' i joke.
Today me and my brother decided to walk around the city and visit some store and possibly go to a bar at the end of the day.

''Well, my little sister. I don't give a flying fudge monkey,'' He looks at me confidently. ''Or should i say panda?'' He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. I roll my eyes once again, and decide to just turn around and walk away. I don't know that guy.

''Hey, wait for me! That wasn't nice,'' he scuffs while nudging me.

''Well, i'm sorry you feel that way,'' i apologize sarcastically. ''But i am the one walking around with someone who is impressed by the size of a stuffed animal bear,'' i joke and nudge him back.

He just laughs it off as we walk past a notice board. One poster catches my eye and i instantly stop in my tracks.

''What are y- oh,'' he mumbles as he stands behind me and looks at the same poster as me. ''Sunset Curve, performing at the Orpheum tonight at 9 O'clock,'' he reads out loud. I turn around and look at his face which is already telling me what he is thinking.

''No, forget it.'' I say before he even gets the chance to tell me we're going. Don't get me wrong, i would love to go. But knowing my brother, he would probably do something terribly embarrassing.

''I promise you, i won't do anything stu-''

''Sorry, i can't. I have to walk my unicorn. Now let's go,'' i interrupt him with one of my terrible excuses.

''A unicorn? You really couldn't of said a horse or something?'' He asks while looking me in the eyes.

''We don't have a horse either so what is the difference?'' I ask him sassy which made him roll his eyes with a smile on his face.

''Well, sister. Horses actually exists, unicorns don't,'' he says with a goofy smile on his face. On moments like this i realize how much i love my family, they always make me smile, well- not always.

''Okay well, it doesn't matter. We are not going!'' I turn around and start walking towards the exit. I really don't want to go. It may sounds weird to others, and it probably is, but i don't want to see other people live my dream while i'm stuck in my little bubble afraid to sing on a damn stage.

''Naomi Louise Anderson, we are going,'' he groaned. I sigh and turn around to face him.

''Why do you want to go so badly?'' I ask him, genuinely confused. He doesn't really care about music.

He paused and thought for a moment. ''To be very honest, i haven't really seen you happy in a long time, Naomi. The last time i saw a proper smile on your face was at a concert. That concert with that crazy ass girl that jumped onto the stage to hug Adele,'' he laughs, thinking back to that day.
I can't help but let out a small giggle as well. I remember literally dying of laughter that day. The girl made it to the news and everything.

I wrap my arms around my body, something i tend to do when i feel emotional and want to hide myself like now. I never expected an answer like that. And now i obviously can't say no.

''You're not giving me that much of a choice, huh?'' I answer after a while which made him look up with a smirk. I really hope he won't pull any stunt, because i will personally drop him into the ocean.

''I promise you, i won't do anything stupid! Now let's go, it starts in an hour,'' he exclaims while grabbing me by my hand and running towards the Orpheum. It is not that far away from here. We actually walked past it earlier today, and it looks pretty legit.

On our way to the Orpheum i can't stop thinking about my audition that i have to do. I won't get another chance like the last time, i have to do it. I wish i could just send them a audition video, but of course, that is not professional or something.

''We are here!'' I jump and look up where i see Dylan looking at me with a big smile on his face. I don't know how his cheeks aren't hurting yet, this guy smiles every second of the day. Even his own poop makes him excited. No literally, once he send me a picture of-

''Let's go inside,'' he jumps excitingly and takes me by my hand again. We walk towards the entrance where Dylan buys the tickets. It is so beautiful in here, the walls were a beautiful color of red, with posters all over it of people that played here, The floor is covered by a beautiful carpet, and for some weird reason i think about what it would feel like to walk on it with my bare feet.

''We are so lucky, those were the last 2 tickets,'' he beamed while giving me one ticket. I smile brightly, once again because of his behavior.

''We really are lucky today. I can only imagine what other things can happen today,'' i joke, thinking about someone reading my mind and offering me a contract. I think about moments like that all the time, just too good to be true, oh and impossible.

Dylan and i walk around the hall and quickly find a really good spot. Next to the stage, great. The people around us were chatting away about the band that was going to play tonight. One girl even mentioned how good looking the 'band leader' is. Apparently, his name is Charlie and he goes to the school i am going to audition for. I'm glad Dylan didn't hear that. If he did- I can only imagine what he would do.

Suddenly, all the lights turned off and everyone started screaming like these guys were One Direction. Ha, i wish. I look at my brother and we both burst out laughing when we see a girl literally faint in front of us and being carried away. Are these guys really that popular, or is she claustrophobic? It doesn't even matter to me to be honest. I have never really been a fangirl of anyone, i focus on only the music.

When the lights finally turn on again, the guys were standing there, looking incredibly handsome may i say.


Hi lovelies!

Thank you so much for coming back to read the second chapter! It means the world to me, honestly.

If any of you guys have any tips for me, please don't hesitate to give them to me! ☺️

Also, if you guys have any idea's for a chapter, something you might want to happen, please tell me! ❤️

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