A yandere blixer x cube (By my editor)

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Cube was walking around, remembering what songs he had come to the mall to buy. Let's see... Barracuda, La Danse Macabre... New G- No, I already have New Game... Flowers of Antimony... Annihilate... He lowered his head as he went deeper into his thoughts. Um... Clash, I think that's all they have on sale today. Oh well, maybe next time. He stepped into the store, enjoying the gust of air the store's AC unit gave him. The store was called- what was it again?- oh, Crescendon't. It was one of the better stores, carrying Cube's favorite selections. The store was pretty empty, to Cube's relief. Crowds weren't really his thing. "Uh... 'scuse me..." The stranger's gruff voice startled the short cube out of his thoughts. God he has a deep voice... "Oh! Of course! Um... Let me just..." Cube quickly sidled out of the tall stranger's way so he could look at the songs. This was a stranger, what was he doing, getting flustered by some simple words? Cube flicked his eyes to the floor, taking deep breaths to refocus himself. "Don't sweat it." The stranger's voice came again. The stranger picked up a few songs, some of which Cube recognized. "Oh, you like Cool Friends? Me too!" Cube chittered, desperate to alleviate the awkward aura that surrounded him and the stranger. "What's your name? I'm Cube." The tall stranger extended his hand to shake. The smaller male hesitantly took his hand, receiving a form shake. "My name is Blixer, but you can call me tonight~" the stranger flirted. Cube blanched. "Uh... Sure. Um, yeah, h-here's my number." He hastily pulled out a small notebook and pen he kept with him, and scribbled down his number, tearing the page out and handing it to Blixer. He took the paper with a low, sultry chuckle that sent shivers down Cube's spine. Blixer turned around and promptly left the shop, leaving a shocked Cube to process what had happened. I just gave a stranger... My number!? Oh God, I barely know him and he's gonna call me tonight! What am I gonna do!? His mind was racing, his thoughts screaming and wailing in a cacophony of emotion that demanded to be heard, to be recognized. The frantic cube hastily paid for the songs he'd selected and bolted out the door, more than ready to go home. He scurried to his car, tossing the songs into the passenger seat as he sat down in the driver's seat to catch his breath, rein in his thoughts, and get a grip on his emotions. He started up the car after accomplishing that small task, and pulled out of the parking lot. That was enough social interaction for the day... Right?

Blixer pov

Blixer strode through the mall, hands in pockets, deep in thought. Does anyone remember me? Remember what I did? Probably. Will they recognize me as the culprit? There's no telling. He snorted quietly. People are so... Fickle, aren't they? He was here to get some music for his night job as a DJ, then leave. The beat had gone through no small trouble to even obtain a job as good as the one he had, and he intended to keep it. Many others were after his job, so he had to be bringing something new to the table quite frequently, whether it be new songs or new remixes. He felt the gazes of the shapes as they looked warily at him. They could tell he was a beat, while they were shapes. They knew. And so they stayed out of his path, assuming that he, like all beats, was rough around the edges and violent. He smirked. They assumed correctly, but today, at least, he was in a pleasant mood. He could only hope nothing would ruin it. Yet something felt different about today. Like something important was going to happen. The last time he'd felt that, he'd ended up ripping the Treeangle out of the ground and stealing its power. But, back to the task at hand. He needed music, so he was going to the store to buy some. This store was one of his favorites, known for a wide variety of songs and good service. It deserved more recognition than it got, honestly. The chain store that competed with it had corporate backing and wasn't nearly as good. It was also way more crowded.

He entered the store, not expecting to see a familiar, ethereal beauty. A beauty he had learned to associate with the heroes, yet there were no heroes in sight. The ethereal beauty of the male named Cube. During his invasion, Cube had been the guardian and friend of the heroes. He didn't begrudge Cube- after all, how could he hate that shy, pure perfect shape?

He nearly choked, in reality. He wasn't expecting to see them here. He never expected them to be near him, some monster. But here they were.

He smiled subconsciously. Today was going to be a good day, it suddenly seemed.

He slipped in, a plan forming in his mind already.

Cube pov

Cube felt like he was being watched. He hadn't done anything out of the ordinary, what was going on? Ever since he'd started talking to Blixer, it felt like there was a set of eyes on him at all times. The eyes were staring into his soul, reaching into him, analyzing him. It was unpleasant, to say the least. But he carried on with his normal life.

Yet he was being watched. Watched by a doting, obsessed monster who wanted nothing more than to keep the precious blue shape all to their own. They watched, they waited... They plotted and schemed, weaving a web of lies to ensnare the unknowing, pure creature in. The monster was the spider, the centipede, and the cube was the helpless, delicate butterfly. A butterfly who was fluttering in the breeze, unaware of the silken web dangling in the wind that lay ahead, sticky and eager to please its master with the little butterfly. And if it worked, the master would be pleased. Very, very pleased. The beautiful butterfly would soon be trapped and at the mercy of the monster. And the monster would have no intention of letting go. Ever. If the butterfly got trapped, then the centipede would win. The chances of the butterfly escaping his many-legged grasp were so low...

Oh, poor little butterfly. What will you do when the monster rips your wings off?

Blixer pov

He sidled toward Cube, the precious little butterfly. The beat silently moved toward the beautiful creature, admiring the grace of the shape. His senses were soon overwhelmed, it was like a drug to him. Cube's scent, their soft humming... it drove him mad.

(My editor is really sweet, and caring, and there work is just so beautiful, They had allowed me to post my work to you guys.-Yaya)

(Also stay tuned I am slowing coming back from my Tranformers hell, but not that much but we be getting somewhere, so to all the people who are still waiting in anticipation, here are a few of my works that I am slowly going to go back too-Yaya) 

(It's always been you(HI school), Little red riding hood (Wearwolf!Blixer), How many times (sequel to Lies Revealed), and Lastly JSAB2TheLostRing (slag I forgot Yandary Café-Yaya) 

(So have a wonderful day or night, and if I catch you past Midnight, I am legally allowed to put you to sleep-Yaya)


JSAB2TLR-https://askbeatandfamily.tumblr.com/image/626997203469254656  (Apparently file is too big so have it in a different thing, brain isn't working

Primary- https://yayadrawsthingz.tumblr.com/

Jsab oneshots (mostly Blixer X Cube)Where stories live. Discover now