Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

An alarming omen in the shape of a circle.

It was the last class of the entire school year, Percy had been so excited to return to camp the day before that he wasn't able to fall asleep. Needless to say, he was now sleeping in class.

Percy had only been excited as he hoped that it would finally be a peaceful summer this year. He had already been through a war and that was a war too much for him-in his opinion anyway. He didn't know about the others' opinions but Percy was pretty sure that all the other half-bloods agreed with him.

Unfortunately for him, the very hour that school ended for Percy, he received a message from Grover, who had left school earlier to prepare some things at the camp for the new students who were forecasted to come in droves. All thanks to Percy of course.

"Percy! Get over here quick! We might have some big trouble!-"

The connection cut off just as class ended and Percy woke up. He was worried but judging from the background from the message, there was no fire, natural catastrophe or monster. He relaxed a bit but from experience, he knew that it never did well to relax too much as a demigod.

Percy ran as fast as he could, without causing suspicion from people nearby, of course, all the way back to his home. What in the world could be so urgent that Grover couldn't wait until Percy came to the camp on his own time? Why would they need him? Were they fighting someone?

The questions he asked himself piled higher and higher, they almost overflowed out of his head by the time he got home and slammed the front door open. His step-dad was still at work so only his mother, Sally Jackson, was at home.

"Mom! Please drive me to Camp!" He sputtered, out of breath.

Sally chuckled a bit, "Alright, let me go get your clothes." She disappeared around a corner of the house and came back a couple moments later.

"Mom I don't have time for my clothes!" Percy shouted clearly agitated. His mom smiled. She held up a backpack then proceeded to walk towards the garage.

"You want to get there as fast as possible right?"

Percy stood there, a bit shook but then realized that his mom had probably already predicted that this would happen and also walked towards the garage.

The car ride on the way to the camp was tense, Percy felt as if every second on the road made his heart squeeze tighter and tighter. He really hoped that it was not that big of a deal. He hoped so. His only form of reassurance was his empathy link with Grover. Nothing had happened to Percy yet but it was never a good thing to assume the best when it came to the world of the demigods and gods in general.

Thoughts like 'Would they all be there by the time he arrived?' plagued his mind. Percy knew in his heart that he was not the strongest out there, he feared that there may be an unknown danger that was too much for him to handle alone. In times like these, he sincerely wished that he had brains like Annabeth to be at least able to figure out what was going on.

By the time they reached the pine tree that held the Golden Fleece, Percy let out a breath that he'd probably been holding for too long.

It wasn't too chaotic, there was no smoke and it was quiet save for a few shouts here and there. Something like 'Over here!', 'Be careful!' or 'Don't touch it!' could be heard but it didn't seem as urgent as Grover made it sound.

'Grover, is it really that bad?' Percy thought as the car slowed down.

Percy's mom parked right beside the strawberry fields. Percy jumped out of the car, grabbed his bag, waved a quick goodbye to his mom then dashed towards the Camp. Sally watched him as his figure slowly disappeared past the hills then did a u-turn and drove back home. She was worried but after these past years, she knew Percy could take care of himself.

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