When Walls Come Crashing Down

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In this story, Cassandra didn't die and brought back to life in the finale.


Cassandra sat in the room that she had used when she was once Rapunzel's lady in waiting.  It was basically demolished and that was her fault.  All the guilt she had been brushing aside, pretending it didn't exist even convincing herself that it was just part of being hurt by Rapunzel just all came crashing into her chest.  Everything she had done... she was a monster.

Sinking to the ground, she hugged herself.  She couldn't live like this.  Not with this guilt following wherever she went.  Corona hated her now, feared her even.  This wasn't what she ever wanted.  Anger boiled in her stomach.  She was angry that she had convinced her stupid brain that hurting people would help her feel better.  It didn't.  It only made things worse.

A silent tear trickled down her cheek.  A shine cought the corner of her eye.  On the floor was her halberd.  Broken, albeit, but it was sharp and still able to do the job.

She could just end this misery.  End her miserable life right now.  No one would care.  She didn't.  She ruined her life.  No one would even notice she was gone...

Slowly, she reached for it.  Yes, no one would care or notice.  It would be swift and quiet.  Hopefully she'd die before there was too much pain.  All she had do would be to thrust it in her chest and that would be it.  A little pain and she'd be done.  It would all be over.

Her fingers touched the blade.  Before she was able to pick it up or bring it closer, another gloved hand was gently set on top of hers.  She looked over her shoulder in surprise, her hazel eyes meeting with baby blue.  Sadness and sympathy filled the round blue eyes.


"What are you doing here?"  Cassandra turned her head away, unable to look into his eyes.  She had wronged him so bad.  He should hate her.

"Because I know what it's like to be alone, how much you want to beat yourself up...  Before Rapunzel came back, do you know how close I was to killing myself?  The only good thing Andrew did was keep me from doing that."


"Don't give up, Cassie.  Please.  This is the easy way out.  Don't do it.  It's going to be hard, but I know that one day, Corona will love you."

"But all that I've done-"

"Cassie, look at me." Varian gestured to himself.  Cassandra obeyed.  "I was number one villain in Corona and I may still be fighting to redeem myself, but step by step, I've risen up.  I know that you can too, but you'll have me to help you through this."

"No one would care or miss me-"

"Wrong!  Your dad, the captain will miss you.  Rapunzel will miss you and Eugene.  You know he cares.  And I'll miss you.  I care.  Don't lie to yourself that no one does care because we do.  I will go through storms to show you that I'm not giving up on you, Cassie."

Cassandra was silent, thinking it through.  Varian held out his hand.  "Please.  We can go through this together."

Slowly, Cassandra set her hand in his and he helped her to her feet.  "C'mon, Rapunzel was looking for you... but do you want to stay away from the crowds right now?  I get that too."

"I kinda want to stay low key right now," Cass admitted.

"You want to walk in the woods until the party dies down?  Not a fan of the crowds either..."

Cassandra chuckled.  "Yeah... that... that sounds good actually..."


Sorry, I had to write this to help me feel a little better.  I had an acquaintance that committed suicide recently.  I didn't know him well and he's a few years older than me, but I know his family.  I hadn't seen him in few years.  He was such a happy looking person, I never thought he'd... yeah...

I just want to say, don't kill yourself.  There is so much more for you out there.  I only wish that I knew what he was going through and could have helped him.

If you feel like you want to commit suicide, please talk to someone about it.  Whether it's someone wise you trust, a doctor, or (I highly recommend) a pastor to a church.  They're easy to get in contact with and they can help you.  I can't stress how important it is to talk to someone first, because people do care about you.  They will miss you.  I care.  So please reconsider and think it through.

Love you all.  Thank you for being here.

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