1:02 A. M. Night 2

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I pick up my mask, flashlight, and tablet and run towards the stage room. I can barely see but I want to save my flashlight battery, so I run through the darkness. I get to the stage and run up the stairs. I look around the room with my flashlight. I see no one. I turn around and open up the curtains. As I look inside, I see somethin horrible. Chica lays on the floor stomach down covered in oil. "Are you okay?!' I go over to her and flip her over onto her back. Her stomach is torn open and her bib is gone. Wires are hanging out of her beak and stomach and one of her eyes are gone. "W-what happened?!" She slowly lifts her head up and says "I don't know, but everyone is m-m-m-missing." Her voice was beggining to glitch. "Why are you not dead?" She sits up and replies "We can only be broken if we are severely injured in the head. T-this is n-n-nothing." I help her stand up. Thank goodness they cant feel pain. "W-we have to find everyone." I bet the old guys did it, no, its certain. "Lets fix you first-" She interupts me and yells "We h-h-have to find Bonnie!" I get a wierd thought. "So, you like him?" She gets startled. "WHAT! i don't l-like him!" "Oh really? You seem like a good couple." "W-we do? I mean, NOOOO shut up!" I take her hand. "Come on lets go fix you." She follows behind and says "Then we find everyone." Yeah. We have to find everyone. Quick. 

Hey guys just wanted to say the fan art is by your one and only  ^ω^

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