Message and comforting

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August 29th 2020
Sam was walking over to the loud house

Why you may ask

Because she's planning on practicing with Luna

She gets to the door and unlocks it with the key that Luna gave her

"Luna? You here?" She asks then she gets a text notification

Sam, me and most of the fam are goin shoppin, do you mind watchin my lil bro till about 11?~Luna

When Sam read that it came off of a surprise, but she quickly shook it off and texted back that she could

'I've never met the lil dude have I?' Sam thinks to herself

She sits on the couch and strums her acoustic smiling slightly, playing every rose has its thorn by poison

She sighs, as if she misses something

What you may ask?

While her mom and dad, along with her brother talk to her, she still feels it

She starts to think about what it could be

Her mom works a lot, but they do go shopping and a lot of other stuff when she is off, and her dad watches a lot of movies with her when he's not working on bridges, and her brother, while they fight a lot, they still joke around a lot, she knows that 9 year old is a little too crazy his own good

She then realized what it was

A significant other

Sam didn't know if she was bi or straight but she was starting to get lonely

"Let's take the mind off that." She mumbles going back to strumming her guitar

Soon Lincoln rushes into the house, not even noticing Sam

Sam quickly stands up shocked at what had just happened

It looked like Lincoln ran to his room crying

Sam bites her lip wondering if she should ask what was wrong

She took a deep breath and walked up to his room and knocked

"Who is it?" Lincoln asks sniffling

"It's lunas friend Sam, lil dude." Sam says just loud enough so that Lincoln could here her

"What do you want?" He asks

"Is it cool if I come in lil dude?" She asks

"Y-Yea." Lincoln says

Sam opens the door to Lincoln's room and sits on his bed

"Hey lil dude, what's wrong?" Sam asks softly

Lincoln rubbed his eyes with his hands

"It's nothing."  He says but Sam grabs his leg lightly

"I think it's more than nothing, Lincoln." Sam says quietly and Lincoln looks up a little bit

"Well..." he starts


Lincoln is standing by the school waiting for his girlfriend Ronnie Anne

She walks out looking like she's thinking something over

"Hey Ronnie Anne," Lincoln says

Hey,... Lincoln." She says

"What do you want to do today?"  Lincoln asks

Ronnie Anne sighs

"Look Lincoln, your a good guy but, I think it's time for us to move on." She says then walks off

Lincoln's eyes started to tear up then he ran home

End flashback

Sam looked to the kid then hugged him and he hugs back

He cries in her embrace until he falls asleep

Sam smiles at him then goes down to eat

Soon the louds got home and Sam left

That's the end of chapter one lookin forward to doing this continuing my Hazbin louds story, and I'm gonna be releasing a story full of loud house one shots and I have one more big project, it's a project and I want to do it but idk man, hope y'all like it and leave a review chapters will get longer (prolly 900-1600 words if I'm honest) have a good day

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