Funny seeing you here

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August 30 2020
It's Saturday morning and Lincoln just woke up, he then remembers Ronnie Anne breaking up with him, but then he puts that in the back of his head shaking it

"Maybe I should go to the arcade, take my mind off of that." Lincoln mumbles incoherently to himself

He gets dressed fast and quickly uses the bathroom, he then runs into Luna in the hall

"Hey bro, what're you doin?" Luna asks

"Not much sis, I just plan on going to the arcade." Lincoln reply's

"Alright bro be careful." Luna says

Lincoln goes downstairs and eats a granola bar and leaves for the arcade


At the arcade

The arcade just opened a few minutes ago so there wouldn't be a lot of people there

Indeed there wasn't

Lincoln enters the arcade but he doesn't notice the wet floor and he starts to slip but a hand catches him

"Woah there lil dude, watch your step." Sam says chuckling and Lincoln chuckles a little nervously

"Yea, I guess I probably should." Lincoln says

"Funny seein you here, dude." Sam says and Lincoln shrugs kinda confused

"Why is that?" He asks and Sam shrugs turning in her heal fast

"No reason..." Sam says

Lincoln blinks trying to figure out what just happened

"Cmon dude, let's play Pac-Man, see who can get a higher score." Sam tells him

They play Pac-Man until they both die

120000000 tie

They were both laughing hard at how the game finished

Lincoln orders them a large pepperoni and 4 cheese pizza

"I think the arcade just takes stress away when I'm stressed about music, it just helps." Sam says eating a piece of pizza and Lincoln nods

"Do you listen to any rock n roll?" Sam asks and Lincoln nods

"Yea, I listen to a little LINKIN PARK." He says and Sam smirks

"Coincidence that their name is your name?" She asks and Lincoln shrugs

"Massive coincidence." He says shrugging and Sam giggles a little bit

They soon leave the arcade and go to the park next to Lake Michigan

They saw some seagulls running around and flying

They are listening to LINKIN PARK and other alternative rock bands such as Trapt and Puddle of Mud

"They're pretty good." Lincoln says honestly and Sam smirks

"you ain't heard anything yet kid." She says

Sam threw a piece of bread she had out for the seagulls

"What kinda of rock are there?" Lincoln asks

"What kinda aren't there, 70s you had the regular hard rock like AC/DC and Ozzy, along with hair metal bands like Van Halen (god Eddies death still hits hard) then you had the 80s with glam hair metal like Mötley Crüe, poison, Def Leppard and Dokken and Winger, then you had the punky grunge bands like nirvana and I guess you could throw Green Day in there, then you had this era your alternative bands like LINKIN PARK, Saving Abel, Saliva, three days grace, 3 doors down, and disturbed, then you had your heavy metal where you have two separate types, relies heavy on bass like Metallica then the straight up screamers like Five Finger Death Punch, not to say they can't put together a nice calm song." Sam says and Lincoln is surprised

"That's a lot." He says

"You'd like a lot of em dude." Sam says

Lincoln nods at this

"Well, lil dude we should be getting home." Sam says getting up

"Alright." Lincoln says

"I suggest listening to a band called warrant, their 'The Best of Warrant' album." Sam said and Lincoln nods in thanks before they go their separate ways

Let's just say when Lincoln turned warrant on, he fell in love with them immediately

Alright here's this chapter, I got an idea of what to do next chapter, please leave a review

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