Click click boom part 1

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August 31 2020
Lincoln gets up with a small headache

"What happened?" He asks himself

Then he remembers talking to Sam around the lake

"Oh right." He says

He walks into the kitchen and sees Lori

"Hey Lori." Lincoln says

"Hey Linc." She says scrolling through her phone

"What're you doin today?" He asks

"I don't know, I might go on a da-" she cuts herself going wide eyed and Lincoln tilts his head confused

"Ronnie Anne broke up with you, didn't she?" She asks fairly quietly

Lincoln just lowers his head

"Ok, um, I'll talk to you later." Lori tells him

"Yea." He says awkwardly

He sighs before getting a text

'Hey Linc, you wanna meet up at the park?'

Lincoln looks down at the text before he remembered


"Hey, here's my number, for if we wanna talk to each other." Sam said

"Alright, thanks." He tells her

"No problem, dude." She tells him

End flashback

"Alright." He says before texting

'Yea, I'll meet you their their.' He texts back

"See you there." She texts him back

With this Lincoln starts to walk off, but runs into Lisa

"Hello, Lincoln, before you leave for whatever you are doing can you make me a grilled cheese sandwich?" Lisa asks

"Uh, sure Lis'" he tell her

After Lincoln makes it and cuts the grilled cheese he gives it to Lisa

"Perfect, thank you Lincoln, it's a perfect four acute triangular pieces of grilled cheese." She tells Lincoln

"No problem, Lis.'" He tells her

With this Lincoln walks off to the park


Meanwhile with Sam she puts on the normal clothes she wears and sprays a little bit of perfume

She looks in the mirror and smiles

"Let's go Sammy." She mumbles to herself and smiles brushing her hair a little bit to finish

With this she goes to the park

When she gets there she sees Lincoln and she waves him over

"Hey Sam." Lincoln says

"Hey Linc." She says back

"How are you?" He asks

"Pretty good, how about you?" She asks

"Not too bad, what do you wanna do?" He says back/asks her

She starts to think then she sees a bar and grill

"Have you ever been to a bar and grill?" Sam asks

"No?" Lincoln says wondering why Sam is wondering if he's ever been to a bar and grill

"Cmon dude, goin to a bar and grill doesn't make you a drinker, the place has great food." Sam tells him

Lincoln thinks about this

"Ok, I'll try it." He says and Sam smiles

"Great." She says then they race off

This is in the same boat as hazbin louds, if you've read it, wanted to get something out but not be rushed, hope y'all had great holidays

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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