Chapter 6

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“Get yo ass up! Are you okay? Where have you been girl and you better not lie to me?!” He said. There was no way I was telling him I just got raped. I don’t think I will be telling anyone. It’s embarrassing and Im not the type that likes for people to pity me.

“I-I got lost finding the bathroom cause I went the wrong way and ended up on the other side of campus. Then when I actually found the bathroom I got lost finding my way back to your dorm. Im sorry Timmy” I said calling him by the nickname I gave him when I was younger.

“It’s okay Amber, Im sorry I let you go out by yourself. I should have showed you around. Im glad you’re okay, now come on so I can take you home. Please don’t tell auntie I let you get lost.” I shook my head okay and we walked out to his car.

“Amber why are you walking like that, is you okay?” He asked. I had to think of a lie. And QUICK!

“Uh yeah, Im fine I fell of the toilet and hit the tissue thingy and now I have a cramp in my leg” Nice lie Amber. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. He looked at me skeptically at first but he seemed to believe it.

When I got home I went straight to my room and got my things for a bath. I drew up the hottest bath I could stand and crawled into it. My privates were on fire! I scrubbed and scrubbed until it started to hurt. I got out and dried off and looked myself over in the mirror. I didn’t recognize the girl who looked back at me. She was broken and I saw the hurt in her eyes. I dressed and made my way back into my room. I pulled the covers over my head and cried myself to sleep.

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