Chapter 7

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That was four years ago.

I woke up to my mom's voice. "Amber honey, are you having another bad dream?" She asked me in a panicked voice. How would I tell the woman who raised me not to open my legs to anyone but my husband, that my virginity has been taken by force and I am constantly reliving it in my dreams?

 "I didn't realize I was screaming again mom. Im sorry for waking you up" I had been having these dreams for four years and they are only getting worse. My doctors told my mom that I have night terrors that can cause epilepsy.

"Amber, tell me what's wrong, what are you dreaming about?"

"I don't remember mom" I had kept my experience a secret for this long and there was no way I was going to spill the beans now.

"Okay, well get ready for school. I'll be downstairs cooking breakfast, call me if you need me." Ugh, I hate that place with a passion.

Getting up from my bed, I headed towards my closet to find my outfit for today. Once I had decided what to wear, I went to the restroom to handle my morning hygiene routine. After I finished, I wandered following the delicious scent coming from the kitchen.

"Mom, it smells wonderful in here!", I said excitedly. Laid out on the table buffet-style were scrambled eggs, French toast, fresh strawberries from our garden, bacon and various juices. After wolfing down my breakfast, I gathered my belongings and drove to school.

Twenty minutes later, I'm standing in front of my locker collecting my books when I feel a hard shove from behind.

"Watch where you're going motherfu-" I say but am quickly interrupted. It can't be, I'm surely dreaming. Standing before me is the very man who took my innocence.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I slipped on a stray sheet of paper. I'm the substitute for Mrs. Owle's Poetry class. She had her baby and won't be back for the next five months. Do you mind showing me where it is?" He rambles. I'm still standing there in utter disbelief. Not only is the bastard who raped me standing in front of me, but I have to be in a classroom with him every day for the first 2 hours school for 5 long months! I must be dreaming; this can't be happening. Suddenly my vision blurs, and I begin to feel lightheaded.

"Hey, are you al-", was the last thing I heardbefore my mind submitted to the darkness

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