Chapter 2

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I  wake up less motivated than yesterday and more than tomorrow. The bright light of the sun hits my eyes in an irritable way, and that made me leave my bed to go to high school.

- Is it yours? – I ask Christian when I see him at high school with a BMW –
- It is. – He says while we walk to the school’s door–
- That screams, “My parents are rich”
- Not exactly.
- Which is your first period? – I ask him to change the subject –
- Chemistry, what about yours?
- Today is your lucky day, we go to the same class.
- Can I be your partner in chemistry? You know, I don’t know somebody else.
- Neither, I have an exactly amount of cero close friends, so yes. – I say and we both get into the classroom –

The miss does the same as always, we write some chemical reactions and then we put them into practice, I’m surprised that everything was well done, honestly, I was expecting a disaster. After chemistry, I go to PE, but not with Christian he goes to industrials.

I change into my workout clothes, in the changing rooms and I leave my things on the locker and as I should  I go to the gym for a class.

- How did industrials go? – I ask Christian when he passes by the gym when both of our classes end –
- Great, but that miss has some serious problems with controlling the volume of her voice. – He said while touching his ear –
- You better get used to it.
- Does your knuckles hurt? – He touches my hand –
- No. – I get my hand away from his –
- My sister has something that could help you, maybe you can go to my house after class so I give you what she has.
- oh, you have a sister.
- Actually I have four siblings, Matthew, Gallen, Lilith and Legacy.
- I’m sorry, I can’t go, I  have detention after class.
- Well, it will be for another time. – He said and then leaves –

Today is the 366 day since Donker possesses me. Every day is a nightmare.

I relive the day when he and his soldiers broke into my house and without piety murdered my father, I don’t feel bad or get hurt by his dead, he got what he deserved.

he was a killer, he ended with my mother’s life  when I was only a little girl and then hided from me for many years only because he wanted me to be her perfect hunter, just like the rest of his family.

That February 7 many things died, and one of them was that old one Skyler Johnson, now I’m Skyler MacQuoid, is my way to regain the honor of my mother’s last name. I decided to get call by it so everybody knows who I’m when I’ll get justice for her.

Donker is a big son of a bitch, but I’ve learned more about magic from him than my coward father could've ever taught me.

Donker believes a lot on my capacities and he swears that I’m one of the last ones in the magic world of creatures with the power and capacity to destroy the parliament. Because of that, he has an eye over me all the time so he makes sure that I train day and night until I sweat blood.

Thus I’ve improved my technics for fights without stopping once. During the first two months, I tried to run away, but every try was stupid, but I give up until Donker showed me the prophecy, explained the destiny and the reason why of things.

The war is coming and there is no way for the magic creatures to escape from it.

Currently, there is a new soldier, he came to this base two months, however, I didn’t have to interact with him until today.


After detention a go back home, and I see a message from Markus telling me about today’s party at night at his house, I’m not going to say no to his invitation, he always has drugs and when is a party is free.

- What is his name? – My brother Erick asks scaring me –
- At least you could've said hello, who's name you asking for? – I say and I keep walking to my room –
- The propitiatory of this ring that I find in the office. – He says giving me the ring –
- Christian, we were doing a project so calm down. – I tell him and I sit in my bed and he sits next to me –
- Christian, which is his last name? I need the complete information.
- For what you need it?
- Stalk him, I need to know with what type of people is my little sister hanging out.
- Christian Griffin. – I tell him and he takes his phone and searches his name on Instagram – There's no results.
- Let me see – I take the phone – Maybe he has a Facebook account. – I search on the app – there's nothing.
- That is weird. – He says –
- He does exist I'm not lying, you can go now – I point to the door – Goodbye. – I punch him out of my room and I close the door –

When is the time to go to the party, I take my bicycle to get to there.
On my way, I pass by the center, and I see a group of polices and an ambulance, I get to see how they get a cadaver covered with a white sheet into the ambulance.

- Hey, ginger! – Markus calls me when I get to his house – Come here we are about to start a Jenga of truth, dare or shot. – He tells me while he goes to the living room –
- What the heck is Kristen doing here? – I ask and I sit next to Markus –
- Dude! –  Markus says and getting up the couch –
- I didn’t know that you guys knew each other. – I say when I see Christians walking into the living room with Markus – Take – I give him the ring he left at home –
- Thanks, I thought it was already lost. – he says sitting next to me – And I actually don’t know Markus, he just told me that if I didn't come tonight, I was going to regret it, so here I’m.
- Ok, let’s begin. – Markus says –
- What is he doing here? – Kristen asks –
- The actual question is what are you doing here. – I say –
- To clarify things I didn’t invited her, she came with David – Markus says – Besides, both of you live in the same town, go to the same high school and have common friends, obvious you guys were going to see each at some point, just don't ruin this game. – Markus explains and I take a deep breath and I calm down –
- I saw you around my house, and now you’re here, what you want from me? – Kristen accuses Christian of harassing her –
- Kristen come on, neither Sherwood or Detroit rotate around you, so don’t ruin the game with your drama. – I say and Chris clears his throat –
- Ok, so I’m going to start. – Kristen says – Drink a double shot – She said and does the dare – Is your turn – Kristen says pointing Christian –
- Do I have to do what says here? – Chris says when he reads his Jenga –
- Yes. – Markus responds – give it to me I’ll read it for you – He takes away Christian's Jenga – Kiss the person by your side. – He says I look at Chris –
- You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.  – I tell him –
- And what about if I do want to… – He says and everything goes right until suddenly he bits my lip and I start bleeding a little bit and he separates giving an end to the dare –
- I'm sorry. – He says in a low voice –
- Nothing to worry about that was nothing. – I say and clean the blood from my lip –
- Is your turn. – Chris tells me and I take a Jenga –
- The person next to me drinks. – I say and Markus Drinks – Your turn – I say pointing Kristen and she takes a Jenga –
- No, I think is better if everybody drinks. – Markus says and we all do what he wants –

We continue until five or more rounds, but I had to stopped when I got to the point where I'm not able to make a single sentence that makes sense.

- I need to take some air some air outside – I tell them –
- Me too. – Chris says and he gets up and then gives me his hand to help me to get up –
- Is it ok if I support myself with you? – I ask him once I get up the couch because I don’t think I’ll be able to take a step without falling. –
- Sure – He gives me his arm and I support myself with it – You don’t drink that often? – He asks –
- No, to be honest. – I say when we get outside – Is freezing out here.
- If you want I could give you my jacket. – He tells me but I say no with my head –
- Is not here. – I pointed my arms – Is right there. – I pointed my legs – That one is the problem, a skirt on winter – I say –
- I see.
- Can I ask you a question?
- Tell me. – He responded –
- Who are you? And, where do I know you from? I feel the necessity to get to know you since the second I saw you, something about is very familiar.
- To be honest, know me better could be the worst decision of your life, not even you or somebody else is safe around me. – He tells me –
- Why? – I ask –
- Maybe I should tell you, but if I do so which one would be the fun thing about taking a risk with our eyes open.
- What if I tell you I want to take the risk?
- And what if I tell you I don't want you to do it.
- Why wouldn’t you want me to take it?
- Because no a long time ago someone came into my life just the way you did and ended up two meters underground. – He tells me –
- You got me scared for two seconds but I remembered how many alcohol you drank.
- I wish I was lying… – He whispers – Do you want me to take you home? – He changes the subject –
- I can't go home drunk.
- Can you come to my house?
- Yes. – I say and we both walk to his car and he opens the door for me – Wait, my bike. – I tell him and he goes to bring it and get it into the car –
- Kaylee – He says when he parks the car–
- Yes? 
- We already got home. – He says and I see through the window and then I get out the car –

His house is huge and pretty, is in the middle of the woods, it has big windows and a path with lights that goes to the principal door, in the majority is beautiful modern wood.

- Is really pretty. – I say –
- It is. – He says and we both walk to the door –
- Are your parents at home? – I asks –
- No, they never are – He says and opens the door –

This house is even more impressive inside, it looks like a museum full of old things, at first a see a living room and far away a can see the kitchen.

- Are your siblings here?
- I don’t know. – He says and we both go up the stairs –

While go up the stairs, I see some family pictures on the walls, but in none of them are his parents, which is something weird. I see two girls that seem to be Legacy and Lilith, but I can’t tell who is who, one of them, has blond curly hair, and the other one has brunette straight hair. The other ones that I think are Gallen and Matthew, one of them is black with green eyes and the other one looks a lot like Christian, but with straight hair.

- This one is your room? – I asks him when he opens the door at the right side when we get to the second floor –
- Yes.

His room is full of dark and cold tones and it smells like a weird combination between iron and his perfume, everything looks perfectly organized.

- For your short age you've traveled a lot. – I say doing reference to his collection on the wall with coins from different countries –
- Yes, but not in the legal way. – He responds –

I sit in one side of his bed and he does the same thing.

- You can sleep here, I’m going to sleep in the guests room. – He tells me and then gets up the bed – Good night. – He says and then gets out the room –

Few minutes go by until I realized I’m in his sanitarium. The perfect place to find the responds to my questions about him.

By instinct I go to his bookshelf, one book calls out my attention one that looks old, I take it to see what is it about. This one is cover up with a brown leather fabric, the paper in it looks yellow for how old it is.

“history Register of magic by the parliament”. Says at the title, on the next page is the index which has a lot of magic creatures and next to them the year of events according to the specie, one of the only ones that I could’ve recognized were vampires and werewolves.

I guess he likes to read fiction, I wasn’t expecting that and that doesn’t answers my questions.

I lay down on the bed and I look the ceiling, but I can’t fall asleep. After a while, a hear Chris speaking with one of his siblings or at least that is what I think.

- Where were you guys? – Christian asks –
- Out for some fresh food, we bring you some. – A masculine voice responds him –
- I already ate, put that on the refrigerator downstairs. – Chris tells them faster –
- Christian rejecting easy food, what is going on? – A feminine voice –
- Tomorrow I’ll explain, now take that out of here and clean the floor around here. – Chris says and I hear his voice getting away –
- You guys don’t think he came back to his old behavior. – A masculine voice says –
- I don’t think so, last time was a lesson he should’ve had learned – A feminine voice says –

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