An Indigo child has a lot of traits. They can be born at any time of the year but it has to be in daylight time. Not night. They typically have blue or grey eyes. Their traits include a strong sense of self, advanced intelligence from an early age, artistic, creative, expressive, never fits in, likes to be alone, late to hit puberty, innocent, very religious or spiritual, paranormal stuff happens to them, head in the clouds, and hold friends and family WAY above a romantic relationship.
Like other zodiacs, they don't HAVE to fit all the traits. But if we're going along with the idea of zodiacs, and you don't fit in yours at all, you might be an indigo child.
They're far more rare than most zodiacs. Only a few hundred every year. But its not like we're impossible to find. Most seem to be born towards the end of the year but theres always outliers.
This is our zodiac sign:
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It means intuitive. But the picture is an eye with a triangle. Not the all seeing eye but Some people think they're connected. I couldn't find any pictures tgat I could download that wasn't illuminati or something. Sorry. You can probably get the idea.
Sometimes you hear myths about virtually all tge zodiacs. But theres some real doosies for Indigos. That its the same few of us just being reborn over and iver again, that we have a third eye, that we can have mystical powers and abilities, and I even read one that says we supposedly get to choose our parents before coming to Earth. On my part at least, none of those are true. But I swear I've seen ghosts in the creepy almost 170 year old theatre in my town....
So yeah. That should complete my zodiac info.
To everyone who writes Zodiac books, makes Zodiac art, etc, can you start including us? Most people don't know we exist..... But maybe?