𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒐

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You started panicking and tried do something, but you just really nervous. "Okay y/n stop acting like it's a big deal, you can do that" you said to cheer you up. "What should I wear" you have no idea. You decided to call your friend. It's the best choice.

Okay, your friend help you to choose your outfit, it's pretty casual but why not. You go to the bathroom to get ready. While you do some things you started thinking. What if i do something and he don't like it? What if he don't like me? Of course we don't, we just net eachother

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Tommy pov

Jesus I have to clean my room, it's pretty messy you thought. "Shit I have to ask my mother, she will be already imagining or something"
You go to the kitchen, and your mom is watching tv.

"Mom can my new friend come to me?"

"Yes of course, you need something?"

"No thanks". When I was leaving, I already heard that she was calling someone.

"I'm going"

At this moment i feel like i'm having heart attack


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Y/n pov

You eat dinner really fast and go pack random stuff. Your sister come to you and say

"Woah where are you going"

"To friend"

"A friend? Is it JUST a friend?" She's looking at me with a suspicious smile
"Yeah, just a friend"

"Okay, have fun then"
When I was about to leave the house, I got text message


"Tell me about everything when you come back"

"Okay I promise"

You check the adress again and you realised that Tommy lives ten minutes away from you! It was already dark so you walk faster than normal. After about 5 min, you're standing in front of his house. You take out your phone and text Tommy

I'm here


You feel weird, like something bad would happen. The door is opening and you standing in front of this giant person (he's like 6'3"). Woah, you are really short compared to him. He greeted you and you walk in the house. As you walked in, his mom waved at you, and you waved back. You two are going upstears to the tommy's room. First thing you pay attention to ,the monitiors. What the hell, what does he do you thought to yourself.

"Yeah I'm streamer" like he was reading your mind

"Oh really?"


"Then I know what we're gonna do" You pointed at this equipment.

"Fine" he smirked.

His smile is do beautiful you were watching him for a bit too long and he notice that. As he turn his head to you, you looked away and your face turned to bright blush. You check if he's still looking at you and he has blush too.
I don't even want to know what that means you thought. Well, as he was getting ready to start streaming, you sat on his bed.

He started transmitting and he went into completely different mood. He's voice changed, he was joking and this stuff. He read a chat that say

"Why are looking at the side, oh actually i've got a new friend" he got up and walked to you

"what-" he put his hand out and you stand up with touching his hand. It's a bit embarrassing but you don't mind it. You come to the table with his chat going crazy.
"WOMEN" "POGCHAMP" you didn't understand it.

"Yeah I've got a women in my house, chat calm down" he said. First time that someone called you a womam, that's cool. You walked to the bed and come back to the things you do before.

Tommy finished his live after like 1,5 hour so it's kinda late.

"I think I have to go to home" you said

"If you want to you can stay here overnight"

"Yeah that's actually better idea than mine"

"As always" he joke. After some time you realised that you don't have any clothes to change.

"What's wrong" he noticed.

"Oh it's not a big deal"

"No tell me"

"I just don't have any clothes to night"

" Here, you can have this" he handed me a black shorts and a grey t-shirt. This was definitely too big. You walked in his room, already dress up what he gave you. What he do, is just a big smile. Omg y/n stop you thought.

"You can sleep in the bed i can sleep on the floor"

"Wait, you sure?"


"Okay, the guess i'm not arguing". You go to sleep, same tommy.

"Godnight" you said.

"Godnight y/n" Well at least, good that he don't see you . That night, you can't really sleep because you thinking about what happened this day.

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841 words
Yeah, so I published this chapter earlier because I had a lot of time and online lessons are boring so enjoy! Also, next chapter will be published in this weekend so wait patiently - a/n💃

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