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I don't know from where should I start. How are you? ....doesn't fit here, because I know her better then she knows her herself.

Okay. So....What your days have been like? This isn't either reasonable enough.

How much you missed me? Absolutely not! I snorted, as I flunged myself on hard rocks and pumped against the dried soil.

Distance is cruel. Very cruel. Every second of every minute of every hour of every single day, I missed her. Her absence agonizes and hurts me.

I need her beside me.

Though she was always there for me. All those time in these months, every mo ent she was present with me. Fro the time I woke up till I closed my eyes again.

So, Hey there! Seems just fine.

I scoffed. It's a miracle how we both survived despite the many miles between us. But it's over.....cause I'm coming. I'm coming back to you.

When I left her behind, I left a part of myself behind and it was the hardest thing to do to someone who means the means the world to me. And the worst was not being able to talk to someone whom I used to speak about everything of everyday.

Truth is...I missed her. Not a little but a lot!

And I am deeply sorry for what I did to her, to myself. Beside it's hard to not think about someone who has given me so much to remember.

Ugh!! Will you please stop that? Leah growled.

Then stay out of my head! I glowered back at her.

She muttered. Idiot!

We continued running, crashing over the air so fast like pistol bullets triggered 'against the wind'. The soil eroded intensively as our heavy footfall were pressed into it. Pushing myself back and forth I jetted to my destination; to reach her.

I have somewhere to go. I informed Leah.

Leah snorted. Her nose wriggled and raised high. Ofcourse!

Fill in you guys later! I said and took the left turn, running straight to The Cullens, as the forest still remained green and healthy. Well! It's a Forks thing. I lept out skipping the small pit hole and rough twigs.

The excitement engulfed me with joy. Excitement to see her; excitement to listen to her voice; excitement to absorb her smile.....And I know, if I delay reaching her for another minute; I would explode with excitement.

Three leaps more and I would be there; with her. With someone whom I sob a little, smile enough and laugh a lot. I have been such a fool to leave you here, Renesmee. But I promise I'll never do it again. I'll be here, close to you. FOREVER.

I reappeared fro the woods. The house stood there, still; untouched and stable. I phased back to human and shrugged myself into the dull green cutoff that was dishevelled by being dragged up in the earthy soil.

I walked upto the stairs; hoping in as the stairs were flanked by small christmas trees on either side stuffed with bells, big fat Santa's, overly bright snowflakes and huge Christmas stars. Two large bowls of flowers, specifically petals of red and white rose floating in certain amount of water were lined up in the entrance.

I stepped in, staring deep into an alien house. What is this?! The whole house was overwhelmed by red white expenses. Each stuff was replaced; from cushions to curtains...everything was changed.

ECHOES OF THE WIND : Jacob & RenesmeeWhere stories live. Discover now