Prologue 16 years ago

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A loud cry filled the room. As my godfather carried out a little pink blanket. Hidden inside was a little girl. Who's little face was as white as pure ice. Her eyes were as green as the purest of emeralds. And her little bit of hair on the top of her head was prettier than a raven's feather. I watched my godfather curiously as he showed her off to my mother and father. She seemed to want something and my godfather was not giving it to her. I watched her as my father picked her up and kissed her little hand. She giggled and gave the briefest smile before she went back to crying. By this time my godmother walked into the room smiling at the sight of her family. But began to frown at the sight of the little boy standing all by himself in the corner.

"David what are you doing?" My godmother asked as she walked over to me and kneeled down to be my height.

"I'm watching her." I said as I saw the girl smile once again making me smile briefly.

"Why?" She said trying to suppress a laugh.

"The world is a cruel place and it's going to break her little heart." I said as the little girl grabbed her father's finger and began sucking it.

"How would you know? You are only two after all." She said as she put her palm on my shoulder.

I grinned a wide smile before I gave my response. "You are right of course but you are also wrong."

"How so?"

"Because I see more than you think I do. I see how you guys sneak around the community as if to hide something. How you always prepare me for the end. I know one day you will not return and I will be alone. Well not anymore. I will have her." I said as I gestured to the little baby sucking her father's finger.

My godmothet looked at me shocked as she moved her hand that was resting on my shoulder on to my cheek.

"My sweet David you will never be alone. You will always have us no matter what. You and Raven are our lifes now. But if god forbid we do one day die. Can you make me a promise?" I nod my head slightly and she continues. "Promise me that if we die you will always protect Raven."

"I will I promise I will always protect Raven with my life." I said as my godfather brought her over so I could meet her for the first time. As he showed me her little face I bent down and kissed her forehead gently. Which made every adult in the room laugh, me to blush and a giggle from Raven in her father's arms. Only one thought played through my head for the past sixteen years.
Time flies when you're missing those you love.

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