The Battle of Hogwarts

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Jack's P.O.V

I grabbed Rose's hand and ran. Unfortunately, I forgot we were in a maze. I slammed into a huge hedge.

“Jack, I'm serious!" She said, her voice full of worry. I smiled reassuringly and blasted through the hedges with reducto spell. We ran through the space I'd made, and saw the reasons for the screams.

All around, chaos and pandemonium. All three schools were fighting people in black robes; Pitch Black's supporters. Punzie was dueling her old “mother", Gothel. Gothel sent a spell at Punzie, who quickly blocked it.

“Silly girl. Remember, Mother knows best." The woman snarled and sent another spell at Punzie. All of the sudden, Hiccup comes from behind her and jinxes Gothel, causing her to slump to the ground.

Merida is gone, which worries me far too much. I turn to look at Rose, but she's disappeared. I spot her sprinting over to Peter, who's fighting a tall guy with a creepy goatee and an Arabian accent. And ( this seems funny, but it's actually kind of scary) a parrot that kept yelling “Jafar! Jafar! Kill him already!"

But I still hadn't identified who screamed. That's when I saw Merida being dragged to the castle by Pitch Black.


I follow them stealthily and we eventually come to the Great Hall. With a quick flick of his wrist, the tables are blown backwards to the walls, revealing a bubbling potion. Hans stands by it, clothed in the black robes. But he looked worse than when I last saw him. The bags under his eyes, hollow cheeks and scruffy hair all came together to make him unrecognizable from a few weeks earlier. When Pitch entered, Merida in tow, his eyes widened.

“M-master, you w-won't hurt her?" He said, looking at Merida in concern. Her face turned angry, but she didn't say anything, probably out of fear of what Pitch would do.

“I will do what I must." He hissed dismissively. Then he walked over to the cauldron of bubbling potion.

“Is it ready?" He said to Hans, who winced, as if it hurt being addressed by Pitch.


“Alright, girl. Come here."

Before he could do anything, I came out of my hiding spot behind the doorway. I sent a spell his way, but he deflected it easily.

“Well, well, well. Jack Frost. Very noble of you. Noble and stupid." He grinned coldly. “But, you are quite the wizard. I have time for a duel."

He held up a wand I hadn't noticed before. It was black and ashy, like his nightmare sand. He raised it and I did the same.

Crucio!" He snarled.

I was in platform 9 3/4. No one is there. I had no trunk, the train was gone…there was nothing. No, there was a man wearing a pinstripe suit. I approached him. He turns around and…
It was Pitch Black.
He's trying to get in my head. I flicker to reality for a second. Pitch stands over me, satisfied. Hans holds back Merida, who's trying to fight out if his grip. Then Pitch breaks back into my mind.
Silly boy. Pathetic. The scene flickers constantly, each time unleashing a new horror. Merida being killed. Punzie falling to bits. But I had to fight back.

As I'm seeing Hiccup falling to his death, I open my mouth.

“At least...I...have friends." The pain is unbearable, but I must go on.

“Crucio!" He says more forcefully.

“And...I know...what would make you better." My mind changes the scene. Laughing at Rose. Punzie's constant optimism. Throwing snowballs at Hiccup. Kissing Merida. My friends.

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