Out of the Goblet

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Merida's p.o.v

Three agonizing weeks later, it was finally time for our names to come out. I was so excited, I couldn't pay attention in transfiguration, even though Professor Tooth was talking about how to transfigure furniture into animals. I guess I didn't hide my daydreaming very well, because she called me out mid-sentence.

"-and then you recite the incantation-Merida! Are you even listening?" I snapped up, and sheepishly went back to being hunched over my notes, like everyone else in the class. She gave a sharp nod and continued her lesson. I feel pretty good about how well I listened, considering how I changed my desk into a cat. Well, sort of. It had four legs and whiskers, but it still had the wood pattern and when you pet it, it was hard and smooth to the touch. But even that didn't but a damper on my excitement as I dashed out to dinner.

I was in the middle of my potatoes when I saw the other selections of dinner.

"What in the name of Mor'du is that?!" I said, pointing at a lumpy sort of pastry. It was very strange looking to me, but considering the abundance of new guests, I'm surprised I didn't notice earlier.

"That's called a maroille."

I spin around so fast, my curls block whomever gave me that bit of information. Once I manage my hair back out of my face, I am met with a Beauxbatons girl, with tanish skin, hazel hair, and matching eyes. Something about her posture, smile, and that glint in her eyes told me she wasn't an average Beauxbatons girl.

"I'm Joy." She held out a gloved hand. I shook it.

"I'm Merida." I smiled, and looked back at the lumpy tart.

"What is this made of?" I said, prodding it with my wand. Joy thought for a bit and smiled.

"Snails," She said finally. "Shoes, cheese,and just a hint of peaches." I retracted my wand hastily and wiped it on my robes while Joy stood there laughing. I turned around quickly.

"You tricked me!" I said. I was about to unleash the fury I reserved for when Jack was particularly annoying, but Joy's laugh was so contagious I couldn't help but laugh too. We were still laughing when Professor North stepped up to the podium. Joy gave a small wave and hurried back to the Ravenclaw table.

"I will not waste my time with pleasantries, because I'm sure you all are very excited." He smiled at the anxious crowd and walked over to the Goblet. It turned red and shot out sparks. Finally one of the frilly papers flew out.

"The champion of Beauxbatons is-"

No, there is more of this chapter, I'm just prolonging the
s u s p e n s e
is that enough?
yeah, that's enough

"-Carrie Frasure!" He called. A tan girl with light brown waves going down to just past her shoulders walked up there as applause rang through the Dining hall. After it subsided, the Goblet sparked again and produced another slightly burnt paper.

"The Durmstrang Champion is Luna-!" I couldn't hear her last name over the assorted cheers and gasps that roared over it all. The only girl at Durmstrang stepped up. She had red hair that was almost pink. She had a permanent smile playing on her lips. She stepped up next to Carrie on the podium.

"And the Hogwarts Champion is Jack Frost!"

I choked on my cream puff. Jack is the champion?! I thought.

I whirled around and chucked my half eaten cream puff at Jack over at the Slytherin table. He dodged it, looked over, and gave me a shrug and a smile. He struts up to the stage and smiles his Jack-y smile. Professor North led all three of them into another room to tell them about the first task.

I was so angry, proud, disappointed, and relieved at the same time, only one thought came through.
I never did find out what was in that maroille.

Hi guys!
Sorry for the short chapter >.<
Now, before my inbox overflows with hate comments, I honestly wanted to choose everyone, but I chose... well, them. (duh...)
Finally: a side note. If you read any other of my books and notice only one chapter, Let me explain. My Wattpad kept this story (thankfully) But deletes any other on I start. If you give me a solution that works I will DM you to no end with thanks.

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