Part 14

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Screen start from smirking face of swasan & shock face of gadodias.

Dadi: I am sorry sujatha ji. I didn't know he is your son.

Sanskar&swara just roll their on seeing dadi acting skill.

Sujatha: mrs.gadodia. If you want to ask sorry, ask swara not me.

Dadi: I am sorry.

Swara: It's okay mrs.gadodia. you have to think before speaking.

Sanskar: If you insult my wife another time, i will not leave you like this.(He said with dangerous tone).

Dadi shivers on hearing his dangerous tone. After that dadi take Ragini to living room. Ap&dp smiles on seeing Ragini. They like her. But laksh make faces.

He just want wife like swara who is modern. But here Ragini look like sanskari type. He can't do anything. If dp accept her as dil. He has to accept her .

He feels jealous on sanskar as he got beautiful & modern wife.

Dp&ap ask dadi to fix date for engagement& marriage. Ragini is happy as she got her laksh ji.

Gadodias are happy for their laado. She got a chance to marry into rich family.

Swara& sanskar are silent Spector. They also want this marriage to happen.

Dadi calls pandit ji to ask about auspicious date. Pandit said that next week Monday is good day for their marriage otherwise they have to wait for one year.

After lot of discussion they decide to do raglak marriage on coming monday. The day after tomorrow is engagement after this mehandi,sangeet&haldhi.

Mm&swasan left from there after discussion. They reached mm.

In swasan room

After freshen up, they settled themselves on bed.

Sanskar: Princess. Are you okay? Why are you looking pale?

Swara: i don't know prince. I feel like vomiting.

Suddenly she get up from there. She reach washroom empty her stomach. Sanskar also there. He worries on seeing swara state.

Sanskar: Are you okay princess? Shall i call the doctor?

Swara: no prince. I am okay. We will go to hospital tomorrow only. We have dinner here only. I don't want to see these morons.

Sanskar: okay princess.

Sanskar & swara have their food in their room only. After that they slept hugging eachother.

In morning

In swasan room

Sanskar feels moment. He got up to see swara running towards their washroom. He went after her. He saw swara who is vomiting.

Sanskar: Princess. You have to come to hospital with me. No excuses.

Swara: ok prince.

Both freshen up got ready went towards dinning table. Both settled themselves on dinning table. Swara eyes twinkle on seeing kadai paneer.

Swara starts to have paneer. Sanskar sees her like some alien.

Sanskar: Princess. You don't like paneer na. Why are you eating this?

Swara: prince. I like this. Don't disturb me when i am having my food.

Sanskar widen his eyes on hearing her.

Sanskar is like what happened to my princess.

Screen freeze on sanskar face.

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