I - Uncle Sirius Everywhere

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Persephone was very worried about her mother. It had already been a week since the news of Sirius Black's breakout from Azkaban; a week since Electra Black had started to spend days and nights out, looking for her brother without stopping either to sleep or to eat.

The day Electra had read the article about her brother on the Daily Prophet, Persephone had been busy writing a letter to her friends: one to Ron in Egypt, one to Hermione in France and one to Harry in Little Whinging.

Persephone had finally finished her last letter, when she had heard her mother's scream coming from downstairs.


Thinking that her little cat had done something to upset her mother, Persephone had rushed out of her room and downstairs only to find nothing. There had been absolutely nothing out of place and her mother had been nowhere to  be seen. Confused, Persephone had looked left and right, but the quietness of the room had made her almost believe that she had imagined her mother's scream.


Indeed, Persephone hadn't been the only one to have heard her mother's voice. It hadn't been long before a worried Wyatt Halliwell had bursted into the dining room, followed closely by his parents Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt.


"What's going on?"

"Where is the demon?!"

All of them had looked expectantly at Persephone, who had raised her hands defensively.

"Hey, don't look at me, I don't know what's going on. I heard mom screaming and I came here to see what happened, but— she's not here!" she had explained.

Grandma had then gasped, "Do you think a demon kidnapped her?!"

"That's not possible, mom! This house has uncountable protection spells, there is no way a demon came here and kidnapped her" had said Wyatt.

"Wyatt's is right, dear. Moreover, Elle is more than capable to take care of herself" grandpa had tried to comfort his wife.

Suddenly a loud pop had come from the kitchen — the sound of somebody apparating.

They all had dashed into the kitchen and found Electra reading an American newspaper, The Wizard's voice.

"Mom?" Persephone had asked worriedly.

"Elle, honey. What's going on?" Wyatt had said, approaching his wife and placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Electra had raised her grey eyes, gaping at them, and then handed the newspaper to Persephone, who had taken it and read the article in question. Immediately, her eyes had widened in shock.

Apparently, her uncle Sirius had escaped Azkaban and the Ministry of Magic in London had asked the support of the MACUSA to help them capture the dangerous murderer. The MACUSA had accepted and had set its Aurors all over America in order to find him.

"How did he do it?" Persephone had asked, ignoring the rest of her family's confused expressions.

"I don't know, but I have to find him! He's in danger, if they find him, they'll give him the Dementor's kiss and I cannot allow it!" And without another word Electra had disapparated, leaving to Persephone the task of explaining everything to her father and grandparents.

That's how her mother had spent the rest of the week — at least until now.

"Electra, stop! You cannot continue like this!" Persephone heard her father's voice coming from their room.

"What do you want me to do? Everybody is looking for him, Wyatt! The Ministry of Magic, the MACUSA— I cannot—" said her mother, stumbling over her own words.

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